Hunt at Sea

The stoat flicked his tail behind him as he put his weight into trying to spin the tiny wheel.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 3

A few corsairs were fully aware of sharkbait's...condition and were slowly beginning to walk over to where the crazed stoat was. the kind stoat sighed heavily and chuckled again. "right...sharkbait forgot!

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Of Warlords and Pleasures: Ferahgo the Assassin

The hare lashed out with his large, long footpaws, lying the stoat flat. "rabbit, is it? well, anybeast could tell that you're an overstuffed toad, baggybottom!"

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Revelations - Chapter 7: Broken Secrets

"i'm half ferret and half stoat. i have both ferret heritage and stoat heritage. my stoat heritage makes it so that i go into season every summer, and i have been since i was born.

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Internal Medicine

The stoat chuckled, putting his paws on his hips. "now, open wide, i wanna see all the way down." kobalt nodded and leaned forward, parting his jaws.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-One

The ermine complied, and sat down next to jun, still wary of being so casual toward the powerful enemy that they had fought so recently. "welcome tiriaq dewitt," euno said. the ermine was surprised that he knew his name.

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Knight Until Dawn pt 3

Behind him walked what must be a servant, a small ermine male, who was dragging with him a dark brown young horse boy, also naked and leashed. a brother in misery, kevin thought as money was handed over and the ermine grabbed his leash.

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Revelations - Chapter 28: The Third Revelation

The little stoat crawled between her mother's legs, careful not to get oil on the sheets, since her arm was practically dripping. then she sat back and leaned down, giving her mother's flower a lick as the older stoat moved her paw out of the way.

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Chapter III: Royally Fuchsed

She kissed him again, inflating his ego and provoking a fifth go from the teenaged stoat. and meanwhile frederic bit his wife's nape as jets of his cum flowed into her.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (pt 5)

Nicholas spun about to address the ermine, staring down at him, "what's that, prissy-paws?" he demanded gruffly.

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