Mother Dragon 2
it gave me my answer as it ripped the leg off and dropped it in front of me. i blinked and looked away as it poked my arm with its nose. "and don't touch me!" it shot away as if by shock. "you want to fating me up so you can eat me? forget it!
Beneath a Moon Kissed Sea - Intro / Teaser -
its head broke the water and it gasped, choking on the bitter salt water as it shivered. twisting around again and again, it sought to get its bearings. really, it was all relative. it did not understand north from south, east from west.
Thankfully, it was far easier to break up the log than it had been to drag it. it had fallen of its own accord in the storm and would easily last the night.
Tower of Threat
it moved her lower between its thighs, and lowered one of its talons down to her mound, using it to hold her rump firmly against its own pelvis as it massaged its hard scales with her back and bottom.
The Gates of Hell, Chapter 4, Morg
it was nearing the point where it needed to start the next stage of its life cycle, but for that it would require a different kind of prey.
The Charred Legacy - Chapter 2 -
it gripped the handle getting ready to force it off its hinges... one?
The Club of Wolves (working title) ch1-2
This one looked in good shape, but if it sounded like a dog with it's vocal cords cut, it would have almost made me cry with disappointment. it just looked like it had to sound beautiful. "well," re said, "that's what we're hear for, isn't it?"
A Dull Dragon - 1
it meant other humans. just great, i thought sarcastically, and wondered if it was even worth the effort. "where did you steal it from?" it raised its head and opened its eyes to look at me.
The Little Pink Thing In the Park
it would like to be part of the play, but it knew better. after before, it knew better. for now, though, it could play as it liked.
Heart Of The Forest teaser
it moved just as comfortably on four legs as it did on two, though the angle of its spine and shape of its arms showed that two was its "natural" posture.
Cave exploration
it was drooling, or secreting a substance from its mouth; whatever it was, he had no desire to inquire what it was. the entity wasn't aggressive, but it was blocking his path.
Rebirth ch30
'oh, shut it. i'm just taking it to the nearest pokemon center to get it's wounds taken care of.' it said as it looked over it's shoulder and glared down at me, it's eyes no longer aglow.