Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 3.4 Bannihar
The creature's coils shifted, digging into the earth and contorting.
The Snake's Duties - Oneshot
Hiss swung out a coil, smothering the prince's muzzle as he whimpered and groaned, tangled up in the coils, every part of him now exposed to the air as he kept bent with his backside aimed at the door.
Snake Lords of the Desert 31
He pulled the bunny to him, keeping him pinned down against his coils, and he came.
Scales of Dominance Chapter 4: Paradigm Shift
Smirking previously, the snake lowered another section of his coils behind the coiled wolf, his own slick shaft slowly emerging from his slit, poking against grey's anus as the coils around him started to tighten.
Breakfast in Bed
His coils quivered, shaky with the power of his own continuing orgasm, but they held firm, pink fur bulging out between them, trying to swell further, swelling upwards over the loop of coils...
Dewby's Pet Snake (SSS)
A gentle nudge here and there coaxed the slumbering bunny into his coils and before long the python had the lapine snuggled down in his coils snoozing quietly. with a soft hiss his head dipped into his coils, nudging the sleeping bunny lightly.
The Camping Trip of His Dreams
The wolfsky tried to lean in closer, but was quickly reminded that he was inescapably coiled up.
Godzilla and the warbat
Below the fanged grip of its jaws its coils had not loosened. it had worked those coils down foot by foot to make room for its advancing maw and two thick coils of serpent still pinned his arms to his sides and even wrapped tight around his thighs now.
Encounters of a Jungle Princess Chapter 1: A Scaly, Hypnotic Encounter
coiling around her pecs and lightly pinning her arms to her sides.
Pride of Griffin Rock
Her coils tightened around my form as she pressed a bit harder, her tail tip curling up around my balls to prod at my rump.
Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 16
The snake's coils around him moved faster and faster, the cock inside him thrusting deep until his ass pressed firmly against the snake's coil. the other cock stroking down his taint soaking him with reptile pre.
Completing the Cycle
He started the day in the coils of his buddy yetzer, a friend he'd made soon after first visiting the vore house, only to move on to his daily vore-whoring to the people of klyneth!