Like No Other in The Galaxy
Ok so I wrote a sex story between a raccoon and a Flora Colossus. So yea. There are some spoilers in here, so go watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Then watch it again. I have no other comments.... Enjoy \*\*\* "reckless?" He answered. "well thats a...
Hypnotizing the wrong snake (part 4)
Mowgli put the flute to his lips and, blowing on the inside, sweet notes began to go out and dance in the air. Mowgli, listening the melody he was playing, he saw that the bulge in his pants was increased. The boy asked him why the melody did that...
No Work For Today
I mean who doesn't dream about being in the movies and becoming a celebrity. tiffani: so...what did you do before becoming a star? stone: me? (laughs) it's been so long since anyone ever asked me that.
The Role of a Lifetime
Brad marchand wangles an interview with the director of the next "dusky horizons" movie. after a bit of "casting couch," he gets the role and, eventually, the noose. the formatting in this novelette (16k words) is too complex for sofurry.
Species: Baser Instincts
And second, i find it ironic, that hr geiger's second heavily influenced movie monster doesn't get the attention she deserves.
Summer Rains
It was said to be one of the most ridiculous movies of the decade, and as the female vixen (who appeared to be out of proportion) stomped on the muscular stallion who had been the villain in the last half hour, the group burst out laughing, partially because
Father and son love
**Father and son love** (Warning this story is just for people who can tolerate bestiality and gay relationships before continue reading I say it to you so don't blame if you are offended or grossed in any way),P.D: this is my first story so please...
Onward they came, their screeching voices imbedding themselves into Serena's mind as their slow progression made the time drag on. There was nothing to do, her options had run out, even if she could manage the impossible task of getting through the...
They passed through the threshold and crossed the well waxed floors, passing the many movie posters and cardboard cutouts that ringed the foyer. atemaru looked around at all the other people that had come to the movies.
Valentine Valkyrie
"okay, well do you want to go with me and some of my friends to the movies tonight? it's not a date, i promise," offered mark. "but there will be all of those valentine's day couples there!" i complained.
Not A Chick Flick
Warning: 18+ naughty stuff all the employees in the movie theater tried to act busy, even though it was the dullest part of the day, most kids were in school so there were only a few of the older movie
Just Like The Movie - American Werewolf TF
Halloween was just around the corner, after all, so kicking things off with a classic werewolf movie was a given.