How To Love Me

And if i take it out on you i never ever meant too yet i'll still feel the shame because there's nothing else to blame and if i stop loving you i never ever meant too yet i'll still feel the shame because there's nothing else to blame.


In the House of Mama Dragon 2

We cover up for vanity and shame, when really, we need none. the likes of us, members of the pleasure society, have no need for shame, and vanity is such a harsh word.

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Maggie: A bunny's coming of age -- Pt. 1

The shame of partaking in the ceremony without a life-partner was only exceeded by the shame of missing the ceremony entirely. this day was the day maggie and the youth of her generation would come of age.

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The Fake Idol

Not only was rage what possessed him, but shame; shame for doing nothing. even since the incident with abac, the bodyguard had his dreams invaded by the virginal body of his closest friend, begging him to do whatever he desired.

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to start at the begining

Tom just closed his eyes and started to wallow in complete shame. with him still tied to the sawhorse there was nothing else that he could possibly do.

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Leonardo Underfoot: Chapter 2

Contempt dripped from the rodent master's voice as he chided, "you have shamed the hamato clan, leonardo. you have shamed your family. most of all, you have shamed me." "i see now that i erred grievously in choosing you to lead my clan.

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Reflection Part III - Interwoven

shame and discomfort were forced aside as he whined, his sounds overridden by the moans and pants of pleasure from inside the tent.

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Embrace Animality: Be Gay 2

Darwin crossed her arms, tapping her foot at a steady rhythm, "and i bet the anxiety and shame made it so it didn't even feel that good, huh?" she waited for peter to give a defeated nod and she continued, "isn't a shame?

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 3 [Comm]

Theo recognized the logic behind his words, yet couldn't help but still feel the same guilt and shame that possessed him whenever even just his thoughts indulged in those fantasies.

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Taking Direct Control

It shamed him. he was supposed to be a guardian, a fighter, someone that could do things to protect other people. he shouldn't have been reduced to begging for cock half of the time.

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Parasite Stream Story 2: Taking Direct Control

And, shamefully, a bit turned on. the red dragon continued. "you know why i picked that parasite? it ain't because it was gooey, or because it didn't seem dangerous. it's because of what the egghead working on it figured out.

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Concern spilled into shame. shame formed itself into a word in his throat. muzzle parted to speak it as he looked away. gaze averted, he didn't see the rabbit lean down further.

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