The Human Species Ch.98 - Love: Intimacy vs. Isolation
A cheerful voice echoed in lucario's head and roused him from his solitude. it was the kind of voice you'd hear when running into an old friend standing in line for ice cream, not inside a dank cave filled with booze and various unpleasant odors.
The Human Species Ch. 91 - Epilogue of Year 11
After several hours in solitude he finally came back to his senses and took charge once more, but was notably weakened. i can personally attest to the fact that in this week to follow, he has not slept once.
Winterfall : The Journey Begins
Many may wonder whether such extreme solitude is either a blessing or a curse. very few ever get the chance to experience what the mind actually does when left to it's own devices, and how much havoc it may cause if left unchecked for far too long.
Dark and Psychic
"this hatred of others, and myself, made me turn to solitude and depression. these thoughts instead turned me into a umbreon when i evolved. now i hate everything that much more." i see the anger and tears build in his eyes.
Desolation Peak
He forced this solitude on himself in the hope of a vision or enlightment that would enhance his writing.
Sierra Nevada
And he was quite content with his windswept home not being invaded- it was a place of contentment, solitude, and immense beauty.
Dawns Darkness Prologue
Of the land, stabilizing andcontroling the enviorment. from one obilisk regon, you could go from flat desert to 'hilly' forest to a regon that defys the laws of nature and physics, where crystals that resimble the ones that make up clark kents fortress of solitude
The Tears You Knew You'd Cry
Keith sat in complete solitude for another few minutes before the next song started to play. it was at this point that he gripped the bit of pant leg covering his knee, making a fist, and started to sniff a lot, trying to prevent himself from crying.
Then she could fall back into calm solitude. leather cords whipped out of nowhere latching onto the rings of her collar and shackles.
This is Solo...Welcome To My World
They tend to live alone in their solitude, being thinly spread over the continent, they are very rare to find.
Cataclysm - #1
This new unwelcoming solitude was dominating in such an alien landscape. they were possibly the only thing within a vast radius around them that breathed or made sound.
Minerva and Tik Tik 8
One after another, stepping inside the portal and again leaving the ruins to their solitude. this time with more than a few new stains upon the ground.