FoxTail preview #1
His father, zalphine (zal-fe-en), was a full blooded wolf beast; his blood drew all the way back to african wolves.
Project Faction - Mirella Juniper ~ version 0.2
The guard started, taking a step back before aiming his intopia rifle at the bleeding wolf. north pulled the trigger, detonating the mines, toppling the building in a bright flash of fire and shrapnel.
Coyote's Last Howl - Page 1
My blood. wolf blood. no, not wolf blood, _his_ blood. his blood, and the scent of his fur. the scent of that fur that's always been something i can't handle.
Just a quick one.
lupine in form his lengthy silver mane rippled in the thermal winds of hell, his claws sliding out and pulling into his fingertips with a steely slither that had made many a foe cringe.
FoxTail Prologue
His father, zalphine (zal-fe-en), was a full blooded wolf beast; his blood drew all the way back to african wolves.
Family Ties
And, there before her, was the bleeding wolf. this guy just _doesn't_ give up, though xani. she quickly pulled the dagger from her arm and dropped it, hoping her wound wasn't too bad.
Fire From the Darkness - Chapter 2
You're a full-blooded wolf aren't you?" "full-blooded great wolf," he corrected, sounding slightly offended. "firus' father was a lupanos, my father wasn't.
"Destroy Me."
The intense pain drove the bleeding wolf to less control, and he started bashing at her side with his elbow as blood streamed from his weakening other arm, using it as a way to try and bash her skull against the ground.
Not Only For the Crowd (anal vore, anthro)
He, being the only pure blooded wolf there, was naturally liked and appreciated by the others. the night was getting even better than it ha been for the aroused wolf. the rottweiler stared at you like he had before: that lost expression.
Debbie Chapter 5
Then after some mourning and grief he will chose a pure blood wolf as a mate." "if you think you can kill me you are mistaken. remember i killed your last alpha and that was when i was human." the wolfs leap at jezeca and debbie and the battle begins.
No Way in Hell
Walking outside, the battered and bloody wolf held up his hands, and was immediately surrounded. the wolf smiled as he pulled the pin of his grenade and dropped it, sprinting away.
The boy with the Golden core(uneditted) Chapter 2
And then a full blooded wolf" "the wolf would gain... the wolf would gain all the essence of every species" "yes. can you imagine someone who can use tiger elemental. hyena enhancements and fox charms?