"Destroy Me."

Story by NakSen on SoFurry

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#4 of Avatian Empire

Written with my dear friend, Yari Ve'rek.

"Destroy me."

Yari did not respond, but in the moments after the words had left Trav's muzzle, her powerful muscles tensed and sprung. In a flying kick, she struck the wolf in the face as she grabbed him, latching her claws in and slamming his head into the dirt as they fell. Trav let out a choked gasp, getting a nice taste of blood between loosened teeth, before hooking an arm around the female's waist. With a snarl, he was able to yank her over, slamming her smaller body against the dirt next to him. Yari's footpaw, still on his face, started yanking at his cheek, trying to avoid slipping her claws into his mouth to dodge his fangs. As she started to bite at his arm, Trav snarled in a mixture of exertion and pain, and he tried to lift them both as he rose to his feet. With the lithe monster still slicing and biting at him, he then fell backward and landed heavily atop her.

In the dazed moments that followed as Yari quickly refilled her lungs, Trav's jaws snapped and bit at her ankles and ties, trying to find a good place to sink his teeth into. He succeeded, managing to get his teeth around one of her digits, and his lips curled in a grin as he started yanking at the digit with his teeth. Even as she let out another hiss and started clamping down on his cheek, her sharp claw slicing and maiming the inside of his mouth, he kept working his snapping, bleeding jaws down the digit and onto her paw. It took some effort, but eventually he took the digit, leaving it to hang from her foot by sinew. Even with this victory, the wolf was not able to yank his arm free of her muzzle, her needle teeth brutalizing his flesh as his already reddish-furred arm was stained even redder. Clenching with her four remaining fingers, two of Yari's claws found purchase on the bottom of Trav's jaw. By the time she could not grip any harder, his tongue became aware of the new opening in his lower jaw. The hiss that streamed from between his loosened fangs now had a new hole to escape from, altering the timbre beautifully.

Gurgling in pain, he started trying to rise up and crush her, flopping his heavier body onto her again and again as he tried desperately to prevent her from separating his jaw from his head, continuing to yank and tear at what remained in his mouth. In desperation, he managed to tear his arm free from her fangs, and with both arms he reached around her again to try to find some part of to grab onto as he clawed and grabbed at her aimlessly. His claws eventually made purchase with a lucky shot tearing into her side and managing to puncture one of her quartet of lungs, leaving her thick, iron-laden blood on his claws.

Again, this victory was short-lived, as his eyes opening to behold his blood-soaked claws gave Yari a minor opening, one of her paws descending with claws forward to gouge out his eyes. The slash of black was just enough of a warning for Trav to turn his head, avoiding her claw slipping between his eyelids. He did not, however, avoid her claws enough, and the Sek opened up 5 brutal gashes across my face, shearing slivers from his ear in the process and nearly breaking through his cheek again. The intense pain drove the bleeding wolf to less control, and he started bashing at her side with his elbow as blood streamed from his weakening other arm, using it as a way to try and bash her skull against the ground.

With his mind made blank by pain, a very, very important detail was missed, the realization coming maybe a moment too late. All this time, Trav had not been fighting Yari, he'd only fought her legs. Catching a glimpse of her upper body, he focused not upon her...

...but the pistol drawn, pointed at his face.

A sound, rung out, not of either of them. Though, it seemed like the sound was a while ago, wasn't it? Did Trav not sleep well last night? Why did he feel so sleepy? Why did his head feel wet? Everything was warm, and every fiber of his being just wanted to take a nap. That sounded nice.

Like a child fighting off slumber to maintain his tantrum, he kept trying to tear at all he had, grabbing hold of whatever part of her he could reach and tearing at it, teeth trying to separate what was in his mouth from what was around it. Cause did not matter anymore, this was mechanics. Clockwork. The sound had damaged him, but it had not shut the machine off.

There was a sound, the sound rings out again, and again. each time his thoughts became less coherent. He couldn't find words to collect his thoughts. Concepts, emotions, dreams desires, physically carried out of his brain; carried on hypersonic tungsten darts.

Eventually, even the sensation of motion seemed to fade. The extension and retraction felt like a memory, and he could not tell when his limbs may have stopped, or what even had transpired. The past meant as much as the present, with no sense of passage or a place to stand...whatever he had, he was losing? Will lose? Had lost.

A loud sound made the wolf blink sleepily, his eyes unfocused. He felt around with both paws, one finding nothing and the other finding nothing but warm and soft. Eventually, his left paw found something cool and smooth, and he brought his glasses back to his face. Blinking as the world focused again, he saw the flickering of the television screen, now on some racing show. As he lethargically searched around for the remote, a glance at his chest locked his eyes with four of hers. The stirring had woken Yari up, and she had lifted her head an inch up from his chest. For a long moment, the two stared at each other, saying nothing. The gaze ended as Yari reached between the pair and the couch, fishing out the remote and turning the television off entirely. Trav let out a wordless noise of thanks and carelessly removed his glasses, dropping them back on the carpet.

As the two laid their heads down and got comfortable again in the darkness, the silence was deafening. Not for long, however, as Yari's lips parted.

"No reason to fight fair," she murmured into his neck fur. "I'll be glad to trade any of your pitiful 50 to 100 years for my potential billions."

"If God exists," Trav replied softly, his muzzle lifted to two of her ears "he will not take me as I'm lying comfortably on the ground."

The two's muzzles bumped into each other in a sleepy nuzzle, Yari's tongue blepping out and Trav's lips pursing in a peck to her cheek, before the two closed their eyes and fell asleep, quiet and peaceful.


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