Spy Games: Part Two
He smirked, sitting back, the bunny blinking back to consciousness, though she had not, to be fair, been knocked out for all that long that time around. "what..."
Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, pt3
Kyle didn't stop to hear if it was a straight knock out or technical knock out, as the instant the weavile nearly took out the houndoom, the other fire-type held his attention.
"doesn't matter if one of us gets knocked out, we will both advance... just don't get yourself knocked out." "gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."
Road Rovers: Captive and Bared (Prologue)
Parvo excitedly spoke to his assistant, continuing looking down at the knocked out rovers.
a Wrestlers in the Pride Lands part 2 and 3
But how would the explain that they ,got knock out and suck into a t.v ?. †um well ,we were knocked out ,an then we were here.†chris said to them.
sonic the adventures: chapter 1
"you were knocked out during a battle with eggman." knuckles inturpted amy.
S4 Ep20- An island of Despair
knocked out as well as it was the workers who were guards who had taken care of them.
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 12
Kent could wriggle through it, but he opted to stay in, so we would look the part of knocked out tank, and not worth wasting further ammunition on.
Soft Chapter 2: Substitute
I started flying back to the room. i landed in the room and everyone was still knocked out. so i did what i thought i had to. i tucked in my wings and acted like i was also knocked out. until someone came and saw this scene.
a Wrestlers in the Pride Lands
But how would the explain that they ,got knock out and suck into a t.v ?. †um well ,we were knocked out ,an then we were here.†chris said to them.
Captured By Lions - Prologue
He said, pointing at the dustbin lid that the young lion had used to knock out the horse. "may i remind you abbas, that he is the one who rendered this stallion unconscious, not you!
Wild West Terror
With a yell, darcus went down and was knocked out. havoas snickered as he picked up the knocked out wolf and walk along. "i guess i will make that friend of yours, charismatic, come and find you. it's no fun only killing one of you."