EIGHT DOLLAR PITCHER "Does it feel _straight_ in here to you?" hissed the rabbit perched at the bar in front of him. Rufus Reamer blinked in surprise. He looked around at their surroundings - a huge dance floor lit by more colored lights than...
Brook - Meet the Weredog Character
"What a night! Ever been to a beach party stacked like this one?" You have to strain to hear Brook. Part of that is because the crashing of the midnight waves adds constant white noise, but the other part is because Brook doesn't even...
Why \\\\\\\\Yes on 18.\\\\\\\\
Why "Yes on 18." The rodents' society is facing voting and, as usual, the media supports the highest bidders. This time, the press released a STORY to support a new bill by persuading the readers appealing to their feelings. The following...
Yes, Sir | by DolphinSanity
Yellow, slimy tendrils, their color like something between piss and vegetable oil, thrust upward from below. They pierced the dry, red-brown earth, spreading cracks along the ground. This was it: the evil god from below. The curse upon their...
[DolphinSanity] Treats and Mind-Tricks (Yes, Commodore)
Treats and Mind-Tricks Volume 2, Epilogue 2 of Yes, Commodore For TeryxC by DolphinSanity ### "C'mon Teryx! Let's go!" Coming to himself as if snapping out of a dream, Teryx looked at the two guys he was with: a lithe albino fox wearing...
New Story Idea Yes or No?
So I havent written anything in a while. I got this new story idea one night in a dream. What do you think? should I continue it? Casual Stroll: A Dragon Story. The day was slightly overcast, but in the southern heat, the clouds brought little...
Yes, Sir, Please, Sir
_[Toonces, the Driving Cat, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/Toonces) If you enjoy the story, please leave a comment!_ --- Chester knew how to take a fat cock, and beyond that was pretty unexemplary in...
Chapter 1: No Means Yes
The air whistled past my ears as I fell in a death spiral. The world's qi tasted wrong; it felt too aware, and I hated how it propositioned me. I felt like a freshwater bass thrown in the ocean. Entering this world was a shock to my system. The spirit...
All the Wrong Places
There was love here, once. Every day I ask myself why I still live here, where everything reminds me of her. The shitty art-nouveau sculptures on shiny pedestals scattered around my halls--she used to bring them home from London and Paris and Hong...
[DolphinSanity] Gift Swap (Yes, Commodore)
Gift Swap Yes, Commodore: Volume 3, Chapter 2 For TeryxC by DolphinSanity ### Teryx scrubbed and tapped his way through the holiday light control app, managing to dim and recolor the LEDs until his flat had just the right array of...
Aberration, Part 5 - Chaos Ensues
After subduing the small crew, we continued our journey east. The pod we had used to get this far had been damaged in the grip of the crane, so the somewhat less subtle Caliphate raid ship has to suffice. It's going to be difficult to explain what...
Katias (Gift Story!!!)
"I'll be back in about a week. There are some frozen dinners and pre-made meals in the fridge, but I left some money in the kitchen drawer by the sink in case you want to order in something." My mom said, in a rush. "Mom, I will be okay. I'm nine."...