Surprise Present
The chespin trailed off when jax's tongue unceremoniously removed itself from his behind, much to his dismay.
Ch 1
"chespin, chespin, chespin!" he cried out loud and was bouncing up and down in victory. he jumped into my arms and we laughed together with extreme happiness. i looked over at isis who looked a little disappointed but accepted her defeat.
Ch 3
"chespin!" he said and stopped spinning. the force of the spinning threw the mud off his eyes and he could see again. "ray you learned rollout, that's awesome!" i said to him. "chespin, chespin!" he said jumping for joy. "alright ray, use rollout!"
A whole new world Part 2
The chespin quickly let go of his friend and lept into action, a cranidos was keeping them from entering the cave safely. the dinosaur wasted no time in racing forward, head first in an effort to stun the chespin in front of him.
Y Serena?
I don't mind, i have my chespin now." calem looked back and nodded. shauna grabbed the final pokeball, the froakie. "ooooh! he's so cute!!" i let my chespin out, and he did a tiny front flip in front of me. "ches, chespin!"
Ch 2
"chespin, chespin!" ray cried out as we jumped for joy for our first catch. "i can't believe that i came in here dreaming about catching a ghost pokémon and i'm leaving with one in my hands!"
Brother's Bribe Pt 2
When he'd heard chip moaning - the chespin was being far louder than normal after a week away from jax - he slowly approached his brother's room.
Commission: Harsh Fantasies, Sweet Reality
He had been venting a bit during their session, too, validating the chespin's belief that his frustrations were brother-related.
Private Show
The chespin paled, albeit just a little, before he heard the hot burn of a blush on his own cheeks.
Ch 4
"chespin, chespin, ches-!" he was about to say but then he started to glow. a white light shrouded my friend and then he grew taller, wider, and...rounder. then the white light dispersed and in front of me was no longer my chespin, but a quilladin.
Brother's Bribe
Then i'm gonna take you outside and let everybody hear how loud i can make you moan my name when i have that tight chespin tailhole stretched around my kn--'" chip's breathless cries of pleasure told jax that somewhere out at sea, the chespin was busy making
Poke Quest Chapter 2 : Spreading Aftershocks
A chinchou and a chespin weren't too hard to potentially battle against, but a large snorlax who was drooling at the sight of the three mon? that was a different story. "side line formation!" bastian cried out.