The Weight: Chapter 3: Where Have You Gone, Charming Omega?

He couldn't hunt and was too conscientious to steal a meal from somebody who worked hard to kill it for themselves, and besides, he doubted there would be anybody else where he wound up anyway, so that would not be an option.

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A Dream to wake you up.

He drifted in and out of conscientiousness and waited. what seemed like forever passed and a voice great and mighty spoke out in the abyss. "what do you need young one?" "wh-who are you why am i here?"

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Mr. Dryfus and Shadow

The conscientious veterinarian had his new pet's tubes tied so that he could be let out of the house without adding any new litters to the world.

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Tahgos, Master of Torturos

Had the city builders of this metropolis been intelligent and conscientious, they would have placed lamps at the mouth of alleyways. but as it was, the alleys were between the broad circles of light and were cloaked in shadow.

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Lexi: Could You Repeat That?

She munched on a small bowl of stew conscientiously, looking around suspiciously for alisa to sneak around into the kitchen to do whatever it happened to be that alisa had in her head to do.

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Hunters and Prey

Semi conscientious, the fox still felt, like a merciful hit, all that volume spinning inside while the dog turned his back to him.

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Goodra-enforced Resting

For all her stubbornness, slip was still considerate and conscientious enough to grab a tissue from the bed and wipe it along the cocoon, when it came away only lightly stained, she surmised it was good enough for the bedding, lowering her trainer with gentle

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Making it Interesting

"so conscientious. but... no, nothing stands out. i suppose i'll let you know if you are crossing that line." "fair enough." aikou said. "so... are you on birth control?" rebecca cocked her head, confused. "well, no. should i be?"

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Looking for Love: Chapter 1.

Cole came back soon with his food, this time conscientious of any tray toting panthers. "so? you were ready to dodge my question?" cala said sternly staring down her friend. "well..." "no 'weeellll's. you need to go out.

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The Future worth having

#1 of secret formulas the future worth having entails: 1.that majority of the population will be men~\* women are welcome to join too, women are allways right, because they are conscientious moral agents men need to allways be good, and do the right

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Lucien: Nothing Sacred

After the grooming was done, lucien dressed conscientiously, picking out clothes he thought flattered his form a little more than necessary.

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It's a Short Life

She made a line for the bed, barely giving kennedy a moment to conscientiously close the bedroom door--what would his grandmother think now, he wondered unbidden--and pushed him onto the bed, taking no shame in straddling him outright and pressing her lips

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