Not the Best Gift For the Host
"Puppy! Puppy! Puppy! It's time to wake up!" Sarah was a blur of movement with a wagging tail and ears that twitched in time with her own voice. Every moment that ticked past with the German Shepherd, wrists still wrapped in rope but now tied to each...
Slave Trade - The Hosting
Two hostings." the bull acknowledged, "lord hector had two."
Halloween Host | by DolphinSanity
It seemed the host was warming up to the perks of being him. quite splendid -- soon, they might even forget there was a separate host at all. unless the host figured out how to focus his consciousness and talk. though perhaps he didn't want that?
Shortstories - Inside
He had to hunt for new hosts and use his host's ability to do so.
Going Out For Dinner
They had all already caught a human and most had just finished up having sex with one another, which with their new hosts made it all the more stimulating to have four creatures involved than just two.
The Beginning With No End (CHAPTER THREE)
It was just me, narei and the host, the host name was apollo, we all sat around and spoke about the great party last night. narei left to grab a drink from the kitchen, apollo turned to me and asked "so, are you too, you know dating?"
The Unintended Curse ch15
It was almost as if my host's body was held aloft from the blade, since just as soon as the sword fully exited my host's body did my host's strength leave it, and we crumpled to the ground
[DolphinSanity] Paper Tiger (Yes, Commodore: Book 2, Epilogue)
_my previous host -- really, my **original's** host -- certainly accepted his fortuitously **apropos** lust for having his thoughts and behaviors tyrannically governed by someone else.
Arcanine and her willing host!
Yes" said the female arcanine " we need you to check our host's womb by using your big long tongue to stretch her womb to see how big the host's belly can go before i can lay my eggs in our host" says the alpha female arcanine.
Her Host, Her Slave
Her host, her slave for anthroperson\_18 by draconicon starly stared down the freeway, or rather, more accurately, the fennec fox office worker stared at the bumper of the car six inches ahead of his.
Host's Soup (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The ferret sort of lingered in the kitchen, looming over the stove as the soup came to a proper simmer. Patrica rubbed at her side a bit while regarding the cutting board on the counter near the stove, her ribs keeping their dull ache from their...
The Price of a Host (Vore Story)
Or, pledge to my patreon and get access to all my stories 3 days early, along with a host of other benefits! ?"cera, get in here!!" that was the third time april had yelled her roommate's name in the last minute.