Defending the Locker Room
Kaden the lombax is washing up when he hears something big going in in the locker room. time to make sure nobody is being an asshole.
Mily suchte wieder wort: „you, lombax. why have you left the big stadt, hm?" - der lombax schaute sie mit weiten augen an. „sie will wissen, warum du die stadt verlassen hast.", flüsterte darwin ihm zu.
x-mas ratchet and clank style
When he caught sight of the groaning lombax, however, they changed to annoyance instantly. he ducked back into the house.
Als ray an der haltestelle in boston-colony ausstieg, starrte darwin auf seinen arm, der noch immer mit dem profil des lombax die dunkelheit erhellt. ‚lombaxe konnten gar keine digitalen tattos haben', dachte der mensch.
Rivet’s Release (Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Fan Fiction)
"i am afraid my database lacks information on lombax sexuality, sir, since lombaxes are so scarce in the universe."
Growth Negligence [TSR]
Strongest lombax in the universe? that was him, now and forever more. time seemed to slow to a crawl as ratchet continued his ascension to heights that no lombax had ever been to.
Night Lights of July
Losing his footing, jude plowed face first into the snow in front of bolt as the lombax pointed and laughed at his colleague with utter amusement.
RiftVeil Labs: Needs of a Taur
_ah...looks like those feet are growing in now,_ pondered the lombax with another rub along his mid-waist.
Growth Negligence [PTRN]
Strongest lombax in the universe? that was him, now and forever more. time seemed to slow to a crawl as ratchet continued his ascension to heights that no lombax had ever been to.
Bad Girl
She cackled and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him over to the bed and throwing the femsuit lombax onto the bed, slowly crawling up his body and straddling his waist.
RiftVeil Labs: Thunder Struck
As they walked away, the lombax swished playfully to the side with the fluffy werewolf tale that danced back at it.
Ratchet and Clank: Time After Time (Chapter 3)
"what's your plan to find the lombaxes anyway?" "i guess, my plan is that i find max apogee. he was a famous explorer and a lombax historian.