Broken Heart Warrior

Contains violence, subjective material, war, and death. pretty tragic really, but this was from my mind. even i don't know what goes on up there!

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The Toy -- Part One: Raw Materials

Mecurious** **part one: raw materials** today started out like any other day at worcester state for crystal waverly: get woken up by snooze alarm, hit button, get woken up again, roll off of bed, bang shin on same, use language that would have her mother

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A beast's touch (Contains Adult material)

(Disclaimer: This contains acts of Beastiality, as well as impregnation, deepthroating, and other naughtily good fun stuff for adults. If you are not over 18 or do not enjoy Beastiality, please, go find another story to read. If you are over 18 and...

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A Journey of Morsels Prologue - Gathering Materials

The vore house of klyneth: a journey of morsels prologue - gathering materials it had been a disappointing week for montiga and krevaan.

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Lightning - 3 - Not Exactly College Material

Lightning chapter 3 - not exactly college material by h. a. kirsch -- a week after accepting the offer, trevor received a date and location to meet dr. brasseri at the new "transportation depot" in castleton.

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Team Canine Episode 1: Leader Greyfus Materializes

#2 of team canine greyfus has materialized into the team canine headquarters. silver greets him, but it takes a bit for greyfus to warm up to being the leader of this new team. five canines still remain to be materialized. what will happen? read on!

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The Laboratory Accident Gone…

Its heat made the fox moan, suddenly overtaken again while his poor cock throbbed in the gooey grip of the smart material on his body.

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Lyra Silbermund

Kleines Vorwort, wie üblich. Da steht ADULT aus gutem Grund, wer nicht schon voll und jährig ist hat hier nichts zu lesen. Die umgeschriebene Szene entstammt dem Film wie auch dem Buch, ich halte mich eigentlich an keine Vorlage. Und natürlich bin...

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

Notes from Fugitive's Trust _These are some of the notes I took while working on the trilogy. They're not in any particular order. Sometimes, I'd add it right away and other times it'd be added as I was rereading it and realized I should write it down...

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The Taker Gets Taken - Hazardous Material Containment

More than once he had to bring up his body as the soldier tried to pull him down, his hands sliding across the slick material of the thief's garb.

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Invention of the Week 5: Materiality Bra (Preg TG)

Hello again! It's me! Amelia! I missed a week but that's okay. If we count the days we passed by no progress would be made in science! And have I made some progress! Not in science but in my love live. Not to brag but there's this convention that comes...

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The Orb

The material now covered the ocelot's entire body from her nose down. she could breathe through her nose, but her mouth was filled and sealed beneath the firm material that covered it.

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