Demon Choir Chapter 1
\* mystique was a pretty swanky club, all species of fur were here and chances are, i was going to at least meet one of them.
The night air was crisp and lovely, the summer sky was beautiful and lit up with stars but that was not what caught Reggie's attention. What did catch him was the moon, a perfect crescent. For years, the inquisitive wolf had wondered why on nights of...
Crossing of a Legend
The Crossing of a Legend By: Eintar Kasai Many years after a time Nokona couldn't remember, she sat watching the stars. As she watched, she tried to recall what she had missed before she had her daughter. Her daughter, Kynna Diaka, was a...
vuthardarastrix's avatar Encounter with a Black Dragon story
Smoke and embers trailed from its nostrils as it exhaled, adding an aura of mystique to the encounter. the forest itself seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself recognized the tension in the air.
The Phox
I believe that you will find this ode about a frolicking young fox cub to be a "golden" example of poetry arranged in an interesting manner that some of the more astute Yiffstar visitors might be able to comprehend. (I'm not holding out much hope...
The mysteries around us CH 1
A shrill beeping awoke Jason. He was still half asleep as he hit the snooze button. \*BEEP BEEP\* ‘Oh my GOD!' Jason yelled and got out of bed, grabbing the clock and yanking the cable out of the wall. He turned...
Stories From a Dream part 3
Part Three of story (you know you wanted it :o...) As they walked along the corridor to Nokona's chambers, she thought quickly on a way to seduce her warrior. Coming to her doors, she secured a plan, and hoped for the best. "Would you care to...
A Teaser
"What is that in your mouth?" I asked. In reply, Luki dropped a tangle of wires and broken, camouflaged plastic at my feet. I realized what it was when I knelt to look closer. "Er, thanks," I said, poking it in search of salvageable parts. "Just what...
The Phoenix Ch.8 - From the Ashes (Part 2)
mystique says. "thank you for your help mystique!" i say to her as we leave and go to my room and the speaking platform.
Lakeside Park
The wolf was not long for this world. His doctors said he would soon pass into the world to come and that he would have only a few short moments left with his family and friends on earth. So he remembered and feasted upon the past, his aged mind...
Out of This World Pt. 1
This is a new series I have been working on between chapters of "the mysteries around us". It is of my thoughts and mind, so I added in things from my life, as in friends' names and attitudes, my school, and my schedule. My parents and house will be...
Demon tale chapter 1-3
Anum Chaos 2009 © and Walter Albrecht presents... -- Demon tale -- Chapter 1 â€" wake up, little demon Some words before: "...A "normal life"? It gives no normal life. Life is real- not normal. I wish me it gives a normal life but please,...