The Difter Emergence - Ch. 0 - Introduction
And by free way of life - it means piracy, scavenging, smuggling, being employed as mere thugs. said to be brutal and barbaric, little thought has always been given to the actual origin of the species.
Oh, there is poverty, crime, drug-abuse, conflicting religions, piracy, disease and everything like that, but at least there is no war. not anymore.
Spiral Nebula - Prologue
Ever since the factions split after the last banished war, velmarians could no longer sustain their own space-faring ships and relied heavily on piracy on their ancient enemies who banished them.
Captain Nal and the Lucky Smile - Chapter 1
Grott whistled tunelessly to himself, his pockets jingling with the remaining coin that he had. The streets were mostly barren at this time of night, the area around the harbor crowded only with drunk sailors attempting to get back to their...
Lafitte's History - Part 1 and 2
At some point in her piracy lafitte found something.
Obamastory (very immature)
\*@\* but that completely ruins everything the whole point was having tons of penis stuff in the ban list i mean geez so obama drove to microsoft's anti-piracy department to rescue guy and there were armed ninjas blocking the way but he just sniffed
Space pirate mess hall
Yiffstar adventure site adult readers only, do not redistribute ~~~~~--~~~~~ having awakened and strapped on your gear over your wolfish form, you are stalking down the corridors of your starship ready to start a day of piracy
Tasty treats in the space pirate pantry
piracy has been good to you lately so there are plenty of options, and a few tasty looking morsels catch your lupine eye and make your fang filled mouth water. you decide on a slim blond human, you \*are\* watching your weight.
The Ship Rache Teaser
This meant, of course, to raise the black flag, which was a symbol of piracy.
Nine Bells
No, instead of brutal piracy, they bought up as many writs of allowance from as many crowns on royal brows as they could afford to their name.
Blaze of Glory Chapter 2
**Blaze of Glory** **Chapter 2: The Cradle of Humanity** The _Dying Breath_ slipped easily out of hyperspace at the edge of one of the most frequented systems in the known galaxy, its warp drives ticking in the void as they...
Flock of the Rubber Space Pirates
Flock of the Rubber Space Pirates --- By: Kirisha Raptor Based on the outline & commissioned by: Chakat Deirdre All Rights Reserved 2020 About 3 years ago I wrote a one page outline of a story about a bunch of space pirate birds....