Witch Blood - 02
rhea helped plant old man tarus' garden, gathered edible mushrooms for the bread and barley tavern, and watched garius' sheep for a few hours. rhea hated sheep. learning to talk to animals had been the nail in that coffin.
Feline Affinity
Seemed unlikely, and it wouldn't explain where rhea was. unless she was in on it? probably not. still, rhea almost never acted in such an exuberant way. this sort of behavior made more sense when she was either incredibly drunk, or deep into her heat.
Witch Blood - 04
rhea's destruction toward the end (once she gets out of the graveyard) is a little more complete than before. the graham woods were not as terrible as rhea imagined they would be but there seemed to be less magic in the air.
Witch Blood - 01
#2 of witch blood - published when rhea's werewolf boyfriend goes missing she goes looking for him. rhea is a green witch and her green magic requires a fertile mind and a willing body to truly thrive.
Witch Blood - 03
rhea blurted out without meaning to. "everyone keeps telling me i should just stay at home where it's safe! but how can i learn if i don't get out into the world and see things?" father lorell smiled, and rhea felt his warmth pour into her.
The Love Of A Dog [Trade]
He went back towards the house, clapped his hands, patted his legs - "rhea! c'mere, rhea..." _"...c'mon, rhea!"_ _she bounded towards sean, feeling light and happy.
Heat Of The Moment
rhea lets out a sigh, before entering the green vortex.
The Thief and the Gryphons
Here are the links:** **[sprout's posting of rhea](https://www.sofurry.com/view/735748)** **[gryphonwings' posting of rhea](https://www.sofurry.com/view/735165)** **[rhea size reference](https://www.sofurry.com/view/685952)** **please go fave and vote
The Thief and the Gryphons
It was kind of rhea to make his passing so purposeful and sublime.
For one Night
"rhea." the white-furred feline turned his head with one eye closed while he still coughed, "pardon?" "name's rhea. figured that's where we should start...i mean unless you're not interested."
Pandemic: Chapter 2
As soon as it all drained in, rhea put an airtight lid over the pan, marked biohazard.
Foot Play
rhea paused and gave him a little smile when she noticed him watching, their eyes meeting. he had not thought that his heart could flip over like that, but, somehow, rhea always found a new way to surprise him.