Hands-On Bartending Instruction
Difference, unconventional mixology, muscles, tenting pants, hyper bulge, mouth-filling kisses, rough treatment, jock strap, internal genitalia, food and drink play, uncut cock, dominant fellatio, tonguefucking, abdominal bulges, cock worship, tongue sounding, slitfucking
Day 5 of Hypnovember: Sci-fi/Machines
"Glitched Vision" By Patrick D. Lambert \>Loading... \>... \>... \>Bypassing firewall \>... \>Access Granted \>Install Hypn0\_v2.exe? [Y/N] \>Y \>Installing... 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21%...
Curses and Tunnels
"May the ancestors keep a vigilant gaze upon us!" Hands clasped together, the eyes closed, the voice booming inside the cavern, Lizard Priest performed a quick prayer to the spirits of old. His ancestors had always been bountiful, and that night, he...
Venturing To The Unknown
Gods, this felt so amazing, whether it was the slitfucking or just that he actually felt the passion this time he didn't know, but it blew his previous experiences out of the water.
Beneath the Waves
Like the snake he was, he slithered into Dolfengra's mind and found a place in his heart. The shark closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. He needed to stop thinking about the snake. Focus. Focus on the sound of the **waves** in the jacuzzi....
Mind The Gap
You ever been slitfucked before?" martin shivered a bit. "i...y-yes, i have...but...not when nulled."
Captive Audience [Commission]
"Come on, come _on..._" Teryx smirked behind a hand as he watched Chase and Mackenzie over on the other couch, the former leaning forward with her paws clenched into fists under her excitement, while the latter sat back with the bowl of chips...