The Rat's Dream
_ as the rat swallowed load after load, his body grew rounder and more bloated until he sank deeply into the steamy swine-sack.
Pumping more and more fluids into those balloons and turning the bear into a big furball as his chest started to bloat around his muzzle.
FAT32: upgrading your wolfdog
By now her balls were massive, bloated things, filling more than the entire space between her thighs.
Friend's Farther's Play Thing Part 2
By the time that everyone had passed from booze and sex the only one still up was fang who now took up a full corner, his bloated back up against roof.
If You Want Something Done Right... [TSR]
However, they weren't the most impressive part of his upper limbs as his triceps handily had them beat, bloating well past what he thought was possible, getting bigger than his arms were to start with.
A Warm Place
As shaylor felt her climax upon her, her shaft started to feel bloated. when she looked down, she saw the belly of her draconic spire bulging out.
The Sexual Chronicles (iii) – The Tests of Hell: Secui Unus
Gabby could not stop cumming to their perverted deeds, bloating every succubus' womb on her cock and still maintained the stamina to continue with the activities.
The morning after
Coils twisted within, scales grinding away at the walls of the bloated and stretched organ as the snake turned itself about.
Heavy Load [M/?]
He looked at his massively bloated belly and saw the eggs glowing brightly though his belly, causing him to rub onto his bloated gut while smiling down at it.
The Twin Idols of Feya
He gasped and twitched as another pulse of orgasm ran through him, his prostate clenching around its passenger and pushing more of it out and into his bloating cock.
She wanted to try something similar, to find out for herself how it felt, and now, with her own unique method of bloating fully formed in her head, she was ready to give it a try.
Commissioned: Chester's rings
However, it did not make him any more fertile than he already was, instead, he felt something in his stomach, bloating and growing. "h-huh?" he asked, feeling his musk-high recessing. "w-what?" he asked, feeling something bloat inside him.