Unacceptable love
Chapter 2 This feeling (Ok so i study the work of others since my last chapter suck. Alright so here we go!) There they were muzzle to muzzle. It was silent. Flame had felt the blood go to his cheeks. It was silent. Then a women's voice shouted...
Unacceptable love
Blackwargreymon x Flamedramon Chapter 1 So we meet! Flamedramon was walking along the dirt road. It sunny. He was eating a peach that Davis gave him before they got separated. Somehow Mummymon and Arukinemon succeeded. "DAVIS!" he shouted. No...
Raz's Love
At first they didn't like each other, but now he feels love for her. "ohh, raz... i love you!" sid confesses his love to her while pleasuring her. "ahh, i love ya too, sid!" raz confesses her love to him while receiving pleasure from him.
Scarred Love
#1 of scarred love new story i'm writing, please comment!
Shakespeare in Love
I saw the look in his eyes, and the love was still there, but something else too.
Seasons of Love
But my love for you is endless
Love for a Rose
Thorns you bare in your life, for in love you've known only lies! beauty is as blood and bone. love for you, none have shown! young sprout full of tears, fear not for i've loved you all these years!
Fiery Love
This whole story was inspired by my love for this starter (i loved to play my crystal version over and over and over again), and this picture that i found over the interwebs: [https://static1.e621.net/data/90/81/9081220d0b77005e18639293d84bc11c.jpg](https
Stalked love
He's such a tease making it so much harder for me to see him naked, but i still love him. i opened my portable mini laptop to make sure there wasn't any blind spots. ok good no spots missing.
Bathroom Love
Gina, a plump grey hippo, was readying herself for bed, wearing nothing but a sheer black nightgown with lacy fringe. She was brushing her teeth and bent over to spit. As she did she felt hands on her hips and a familiar cock rubbing against her...
Fire love
He loved to tell clearly how loved him but it seemed that tim was not sure what they were doing. he was shaking. "believe me ... i love you too but i'm not sure this will work." charizard did not think that way. why should not he run?
Wings of love
"sounds lovely." ramia replied. both knew this was not just a one-time deal they'd be doing this a lot more often.