The New Test Subject

The whole time the man had kept dispassionately describing the 'results' of the various 'insertions' as if she was nothing more than a lab animal, which was exactly what she was now.

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A Sweet Change

Testing on lab animals is working fine." "could i see a demonstration of these types of changes?" "of what?" "i want to see it... change someone, like me. could it change me, as in how i look?" "wait change someone? change you?

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The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 6

If it wasn't as illegal and as immoral as one could imagine she'd almost think brad had been used as a lab animal from the stew of toxins in his system.

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Project DDS 4...

This was, in a previous effort, an attempt to monitor lab animals throughout the night while giving the research team on duty a chance to go on break or to sleep when the work permitted it." "more tax dollars on newfangled machinery spent, i see."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 82: Hints Allegations and Things Left Unsaid (A Grim Present And A Darker Future Part Three)

"much better than the beastial beauties assignment in that i am not considered a lab animal. however, i did retain my employee number though." "how is the company to work for?" the knight said standing up from my desk.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 90: Everything Is Fine....

"no, you were letting me make all the decisions and observing my reactions like a lab animal in a maze." "milo... i am not!" "you are also hiding some type of scanning device in your hand and doing a very poor job of it." "very good animal boy.

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chatper 11

"as funny as your comedy act is i'm sure, i'd rather not end up trapped forever as a lab animal by some freaky abandoned science project of andross. so can we get moving already?"

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Warm Sun has Bleached me Blond

He was calculating, analyzing, like johnathan was nothing more than a lab animal in a cage being readied for vivisection. "what... is... going... on?" was all johnathan could push past his clenched teeth.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 24

That break-in, and the theft of many of the lab animals, had set the g.e.l.f. program back a few years. "_no way could that be those two little ones, not after this amount of time_," darcy thought to herself.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 141: A World On The Brink of Collapse (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Three)

Around it were six cylinder like chambers from floor to ceiling containing various lab animals some were quadrupedal others were beastials and then there were the ones that looked like they were somewhere in between. "oh you are a scientist."

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