The Legend of Captains Thod and Riva ((Prologue and chapter one))
The mixed species that made up thod's crew heaved on the lines drawing the ships together with a crunch of wood on wood. taking the line in one paw he swung down from the crows nest, the wind whistling in his ears.
The theme for the convention that year was superheroes, so i made up a mixed-species hero origin story. i hope you enjoy reading it. when i was young, i never thought of myself as much of a hero.
A Life of Adventure: Character Data
Gender: female height: 5'2 weight: 95 lbs age: 16 profession: slave (house servant) fur/hair colour: red fur, white-furred belly, chest, underside of snout, ect, black paws, brown hair/mane eye colour: green background: chiaria was born among a small mixed-species
Memories (OLD STORY): The Temple
"it is possible...volteer mentioned something about mix-species having children...." terrador trailed off, making the blood drain out of cynder's face. "don't worry; you are too young to mate.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Prologue
Some of them are able to safely interact with those that normally consider them prey, while others began forming bands of mixed species to work together for their survival.
Anicent Customs, Modern Drakes.
But the sound of birds, her usual song in the morning for the grey scaled dragoness, a light smattering of feathers across her underbelly, the sign of a mixed species between the classic reptile dragon and their feathered variants, those cream underbelly
Day 26 - Swing
Up in the stage, over polished wood and a cheap burgundy carpet, the mixed species band kept on with their show.
Wisp's Day - Part 2 of 3
It was common enough for sufficiently wealthy mares in mixed species marriages[1], or in marriages that could otherwise not provide young, to find acceptable donors for their needs.
Fates of the Ferals: The Carver Cubs
In time, he got bored with the book and switched on the television, and he zoned out while watching a hit sitcom involving a mixed-species gay couple that had each brought their own equally matched broods of children into the marriage.
Love My Daddy: A movie
The mixed species girl sucked on her fingers as the movie came to an end. she had never had such a powerful orgasm before.
Tour Gone Wrong
**Tour Gone Wrong** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Mugsaith_ _ _ _ _ "Thank you, everyone! You've been a great crowd! Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to see me tonight!" Rufus...
Into the Horizon: A Relationship is Born Part 3
They were both hungry, but couldn't go into the cafeteria in a mixed species ship smelling of cum. especially each other's cum, it wasn't that such a relationship was looked down upon from a gender or species point of view.