Laboratory Raid - Part 1

plasma-guns were mounted on its shoulders, trying to lock on the two targets.

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

It has a stealth ability, a jammer attack, rapid fire plasma guns, kaji bombs, and the coup de grace, two beam blades attached to the sides for melee combat.

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Halo: FUBAR Chapter 07 - Objects in mirror

plasma guns flickered and blue bolts of energy flash fried the road around us. i ducked down, shielding my faceplate with my arm as a bolt hit the bonnet, causing the windshield to crack and spit splinters of glass into the air.

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Living with Rocket 2 (GOTG slice of life, G rated)

Before he was even fully awake a clawed hand was under the sofa and around the grip of the plasma gun he always stowed within each reach when he slept.

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Chapter 3: Welcome to Mars High

In his home planet of vulcan i, which was an earth like body, they had lasers, pulse weapons, plasma guns, space ships, cars, ion thruster planes, but not **hover** cars, **flying** buses and even tanks. for our yet-to-be-hero it was very odd.

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Change of Perspective Page 17

**back at the organic base** fires rage on the outer defenses of the base, sirens blare as sounds of plasma gun fire, crack and boom in the surrounding areas. soldiers rush to any breaches, as they defend against ever increasing geth attacks.

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The Feline Devils | Chapter One: Invasion - Part One

Near his left, a plasma gun can rise up. lastly he pulled on his vest and his utility belt, already loaded with his folding blade made of the finest arwanitk, the strongest metal known to the gizmos, also the rarest.

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Star Hopper chapter 15

A new small plasma gun was implanted on his side. "it was you?" he nodded, "yup." ian almost forgot about the guards who were closing in on them.

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Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 11

Around the wound, snapping and sizzling electronics crackled, metal seared to a white-hot temperature by the plasma gun's burst. luke barely took a moment's hesitation before he was upon the assailant.

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The Big Sister Part Seven: Genesis of A Monster.

As she would go down the staircase she would hear soldiers going through the doorway up top as they would aim their plasma guns from above at the entrance and open fire with their weapons.

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An excerpt from the Great War (sci-fi, violent)

Lurha was a big, tough falan - they were all big and tough, but he more than most - but a very lucky or very well aimed plasma gun shot had punched between the flank plates of his suit in just the wrong spot, piercing the brain beneath his middle set of legs

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Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 1

There's plasma gun fire. screams from the last handful of kett as weapon fire hits shields. whoever the newcomers were, they had only three kett out of a former contingent of a hundred and fifty to deal with.

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