A Slight Change of Heart
_aah, he's a rubber toy..._ bolt smirked as he let his head fall back down. besides, mr. carrot would have to learn to enjoy it- bolt looked forward to much more experimentation in the future.
Desperate Measures
He would bite his lower lip before yelping softly as he takes the rubber toy inside him as far as he can, the casted bulbous knot pressed up to his tight puckered hole over and over.
Slut Machine
The latter's face was pressed gently against the rubber toy embedded in the bed with his cheeks spread and hands on the couch, feet on the ground.
Rubber Lilly Pad Trap - Commission -
As the latex toys covered the rest his skin, he felt them putting immense pressure on his helpless body. finally giving up his struggles, he closed eyes and awaited his fate as the sound of loud inflating rubber invaded his ears.
Roommates With Benefits: Chapter 9 (Platinum Patreon)
The way the rubber toy brushed against his prostate was what had him coming to life the fastest.
Slutcat and Sworddog #2
"inverse proportionality rule," sworddog said between chews on the rubber toy. "the what?" "inverse proportionality rule. of course you wouldn't know about that. you're male. doesn't work for me either. (chew chew). gotta have boobs."
Chapter 9 Backstage Work
The rubber toy run sits rubber fingers through the sugar glider's dirty overalls.
Maid Pony Play
She looks up at the white rubber toy with a look of determination. "excellent to hear, i want you to clean up the next room, we had a rather busy time in the other room.
Fun with Bolt and Penny: Tongue in Chick
He set his teeth around the rubber toy. even though they had gotten penny's ears and tail zapped back to normal, she still liked to play this game. bolt smiled. he liked this game too.
The vacation part 3
The crowd see ladies body rubbing the sheets.** **lady grunts and groans feeling the rubber toys sliding through her body.** **lady looks under her self and can see a buldge moving up and down in her body thanks to the toy in her passage.** **lady felt
An Orca Week Vacation
"rubber toys shouldn't worry about things like that." master said slowly, as if explaining it to a child. "rubber toys should only worry about one thing..." master turned duncan around, and looked him dead in the eyes.
Catfood Ep. 19 - Conflicting Sensations, Conflicting Emotions
I imagined how tight the pants of my male audience would be; how much they (hopefully) wished it was their manhood and not just a rubber toy and i could not help grinning.