Outpost 13-Part 3

The entire facility was staffed by semi-sentient constructs made by installing a humans brain into a headless metal, and some other materials i had never seen before but i learned some of it was made with a substance called rubber, they look like an insectoid

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Experiment 86 Issue #1.n Test Run

"i see, a semi sentient ooze monster...he eats by absorption?" "more or less," 86 admits, "truth be told the rest of us used him as a garbage disposal." "why am i not surprised?" red lion says with a smirk.

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They would be semi-sentient extensions of my own omnipresence, imbued with whatever intelligence and personality you choose. the only thing of which you have no direct control is the basic appearance of the souls that come here.

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Snakeskin Redux

It swayed unnaturally back and forth while locking gaze with him, and strangely the fear and trepidation that came with suddenly having a semi-sentient rubber snake cock began to ebb away.

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Unstable Future - Prologue

The difference between us and them is that they are creating semi-sentient beasts that are going to be forced to obey their master's sadistic whims," said general farwell.

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Happy Horror Days

Fields of white abound for as far as the eye can see as only the occasional icy pyramid breaks the surface of the snow with trapped balls of semi sentient faerie fire twinkling inside as they provide dim but colored lights day and night.

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Super Market Skeet.

He attributed it to his semi-sentient cock deciding to troll him again. he just hoped he could keep things under control long enough to get out of here, or at least until he could get away from his relative.

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Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)

Tarantulas and the coalition had heard of this force before; the vok, phantoms of the long-dead swarm, a semi-sentient cloud of purifying energy that unfortunately became corrupted in the future by the corruptive energies of primus contained in the autobot

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Trailblazer Part 5

A weapon that is semi-sentient and basically chooses it's wielder, such weapons weren't unheard of as the cults on rare occasions would find one and some delusional leader would wield it... but those weapons were the domains of monsters sealed away or some

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Beginnings of a Weekend: New Bed

But, it's a strange bed, made of a semi-sentient goo. when the lion lays down for a bit of rest, results are not as expected! all the same, a relaxing weekend awaits! he slammed the car door.

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Vault of Violent Vanity

However, what the voice doesn't tell kodyax is that it's a slippery and sharp incline with a greasy substance that is semi sentient in its own right. footing for the bear is forfeit from the instant he is dropped into the muck and the mire.

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Void, Chapter 1 Pt1, first draft.

Sub-lieutenant mathers, who is concerned with the volume of information delivered in the simulation to his station, as his assistant has not arrived aboard the ship yet, i am working towards greater efficiency in information re-routing and automated handling with the semi-sentient
