Young Love - Chapter 1
#1 of young love young love chapter 1: dusk by: mirron tens... young love chapter 1: dusk by: mirron tenshi it's dusk. a bit dark for 6 pm, but that's daylight savings time for you.
Young Love chapter 1
It is late may. It is in Winchester, Colorado. This is when Maxwell the wolf was only 16 years old. (Or 3 years ago blah blah blah...). He was kicked out of his house when he was 15 because of his father not respecting him. He moved in with the old...
Young Love - Chapter 6
#6 of young love young love chapter 6: hatred and pain by: mirron tenshi young love chapter 6: hatred and pain by: mirron tenshi the light brown and white huskey and red fox stood in the park in fear as a grey and black adult husky strode towards
Young love chapter 2
#2 of young love hello here is another chapter i know its kind of short but trust me it gets the job done and its a little dirty. if you have any questions or concerns put them in the comments below.
Young Love - Chapter 19
#19 of young love young love chapter 19: festival by: mirron tenshi about half a day later, the plane has flown across the country; from seattle, washington to miami, florida.
Young Love - Chapter 4
#4 of young love young love chapter 4: tears of hurt by: mirron tenshi mark stared at jason. what the heck was he saying? "jason . . . jason, what do you mean?! are you breaking up with me? why?!"
Young Love - Chapter 18
#18 of young love young love chapter 18: resolution by: mirron tenshi mark just stood there after jason left. honestly, he didn't know whether to feel hurt, rejected, guilty, angry, or what.
Luna Chapter 8 - Young Love
#8 of luna luna chapter 8 - young love. we've all been young, once. do you remember your first love? do you remember how badly you wanted that love to last forever, and how you daydreamed about that person?
Young Loves Demise: Chapter 2
#2 of young loves demise a/n: okay, this one is taking me longer than i would have liked, seeing as there was one part i had to re-write from scratch and, well, i am very easily distracted... work, video games, forums, shiney things...
Young Loves Demise: Chapter One
#1 of young loves demise okay, this is an old story of mine that i decided to bring back from the dead and make some extreme modifications to.
TLK- young love- KovuxKion and KionxFuli
It's a nice windy sunny day in the land of the pridelands a young adult Kion lays napping alone on a rock several feet away from Pride rock and a little further away from the water hole while most of his lion guard friends left after a fight taking...
[CAM] Chapter 6 – Young Love
# [cam] chapter 6 - young love they woke up late the next morning.