Egg Thoughts
#77 of the life and times of jarzyl mintaka (slice of life stories) jarzyl and atlas have a chat atlas was sitting on a balcony, leaning against the closed doors.
City Sector Uplift part 7
atlas nodded. "expensive, i'm sure."
One Wild Night
In her other, she held the glass of atlas' seed.
Showing Some Restraint
Hey, atlas--uh, hero?" atlas blinked. "yes, officiate caden?" "what is your overall analysis of our prisoner restraining plan?" atlas peered at jarzyl, then shook his head. "i don't know if this is the proper way to tie a villain up.
Jarzyl & Atlas: Counting Scales
She gestured right at atlas. "it was long, long ago.
Astro and the Buried Boner part 10
atlas said as he rubbed anubis's stomach. atlas then turned to astro..."hey? turn off the lights while i put a map on the ceiling?"
Don't Mess with Minotaur Magic [COM]
atlas seemed to be the polar opposite of what chris was; whereas chris was a reserved inventor who preferred to stay out of the limelight, atlas was way more of a people-person.
Beach Day
Jarzyl hopped up onto the mound of sand covering atlas and sat down on top of him. "this is surprisingly comfortable," atlas noted. "the sand does protect my scales from getting sun damaged," atlas said.
Fruity Friendship
Jarzyl grinned at atlas, then she glanced around. "where's caden?" atlas looked over his shoulder.
Trust Exercise
Was atlas really flying blind? with the dark goggles he was wearing she couldn't actually see if the nocturnal fledgling's eyes were closed, but atlas wasn't a liar.
The Gift of Prometheus
atlas replied, lighting another smoke. "come through here."
Barely Legal
Instead the lucario poised his softened length over atlas' muzzle as artur tentatively mounted atlas, too eager to try the dog to worry about the state of his tailhole.