Coming out of the tent
He'd made Shannon Connelly cry, the bastard. Nobody messed with Shannon Connelly, because there was no reason to do so. Everybody loved her. She was head of the film club at school, and had the best taste in film. You'd think that's not objective, but...
Never Taste Freedom
Hector Elizondo hadn't been looking for it, but he'd found a solution to quitting smoking. First day I met him, he had a cigarette stuck between his lips. His goofy, smug smile held his cig at an upward angle so I thought he might stick the damn thing...
Not your grandfather's science fiction
Not your grandfather's science fiction. A scene from Dee's life We join our heroine, Dee, and her plucky-yet-sarcastic sidekick holed up in a hotel room. "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into. Got any great ideas for getting...
My team and I work with a program called Simple Heuristic Operations Tracking Algorithm. Yes. We are aware what the acronym spells. You don't have to tell us. Believe me, we've heard our share of jokes--especially with regards to how it relates to...
North Guard
Sven left the train terminal, pulling his heavy wool jacket tight to keep out the sharp gusts of icy wind that seemed to cut right through his charcoal gray fur. Basil was a bustling boomtown, the main point of entry for the multitudes of furs looking...
Hard to Get
Just outside of the Malibu Nightclub in the city of Glennwood.... Argonne sighed softly as he shut the door of his car, pausing to take out the keys to lock it. For a moment, the red fox stopped to look at the vehicle. It was a bright red...
Hard to Get Pt 2
Nothing the folf hadn't heard before, but listening to them all at once and strung together creatively was a little jarring.
The Temporal Casualty
I stand before the playpen staring down at the wolf pup. He stares back his golden eyes curious. he's not afraid; why would he be? He doesn't know why I'm here, he doesn't recognize the weapon I have pointed at him. He's innocent, but he won't always...
When you peer into the abyss, sometimes the abyss gazes back-Nietzsche Every state institution that's more than a couple years old has skeletons in the closet. Doors best left unopened. Topics avoided by mutual agreement. No exceptions. Ours was...
An Unusual Pregnancy
I battled the chills, the cramps and the spills, infused in creativity as line after line exited a mind in such undeterred urgency i labored and strove, delivered and drove nine months, with a week give or take, encountering
2811042 Blackraven2_the_shrink
"This is the first time I ever had to sign an NDA to see a patient. Now, tell me what you have in there? It's not an alien, right? Don't tell me all that Area51 nonsense is actually real, is it?" The lemur asked, slightly amused. "Nah, nothing like...
The Hive is Me
Did you know, I used to be a cat? No, really! Well, at least I thought I was a cat. I definitely looked like one. Brown-beige with stripes and cute little green eyes. And... I was allergic to bees, would you believe that? Hah, no, but that's what...