Breakhorn Huntress II
At the other side of the class was a fledgling named indry, who was quietly talking with another fledgling named flicher.
A Taste of the Wild
She was just one dragon fledgling amongst many, spread out across the top of a wide, forested hill. there were many things for fledglings like her to do, but one of their activities was training hunts organized by the city's education division.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Boulder Trouble
And there are still two foolish, adventure-seeking fledglings holding on..." * * * jarzyl was clinging on tightly to the boulder even as it continued to spin. atlas was right beside her, and the two fledglings exchanged glances.
Twin Discoveries
Yelled the brown-scaled fledgling, trotting out of his bedroom. he was feeling very hungry and could hardly wait to eat as he headed to the dining room. fadris was a fifteen year old dragon--a fledgling.
City Sector Uplift part 1
A clanless, three-legged, young fledgling didn't really fit in with all of that.
Trust Exercise
As a three-legged fledgling missing his left foreleg, he was slow and awkward while walking or running, yet in the air he was just like any other dragon. his wings were just as capable as any other fledgling's, and that was something he was proud of.
The Egg Assignment, part 1
So here's a story about jarzyl the dragon fledgling, learning about fledgling things._ _(4,936 words)_ [not really related image, but cute]( ![preview?
Mizalin-on-Sky: Fledgling Friendship
There's a young fledgling, medium-size, orange-scales... walking up the aisle, right towards us. hi, jarz." "hi atlas," jarzyl replied. atlas nodded towards the female fledgling sitting beside him. "this is glecion. she's a... an old friend."
Breakhorn Hunter II
He suggested, raising his voice so that the whole group of fledglings could hear him over their own conversations. "yeah! let's go fly," agreed another of the fledglings. "rematch, same teams from yesterday," said someone else.
The Egg Assignment, part 3
"from knowing you, and from knowing that other clanless fledgling glecion, the blind fledgling, i sort of got the impression that the clanless shelter was this street gang hideout for outlaws, orphans, and other abandoned young dragons?" "hahahahah..."
Beach Day
As the two fledglings watched, another one of those silvery fish suddenly leapt out of the water.
Hatchling and fledgling tumbled off the bookshelf and dropped through the air, with jarzyl holding maycor up so she would hit the ground first.