Sterling's Sister

Do what you can with stacy but if she doesn't straighten out, she might just have to stay in juvie next time. we can't keep bailing her out like this." your mother let out a loud sob as soon as your father uttered these words.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 56

He isn't 'in the slam', he's just in juvy. look...we're just gonna have to get it ourselves now. ourselves. do we do that?

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TS: Chapter 6

"at this rate you'll make juvi before you're fourteen." that earned me another stream of flames. i took to the air to avoid this one. "hey!" i called down. "you do know you can adjust your trajectory, right?

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And what is his punishment...solitary in a juvie hall until he is 18. a fucking pawful of months and i have to gulp painkillers like they are m & ms!" i sit next to max and grab him in a hug. he struggles at first then relaxes, sobbing into my chest.

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Saving the Sha'khari 1 - Rabbit and Rescue

She asked quietly, "i mean...did it cross your could get sent back to juvie, and not get to go back to the home you like so much?" "who said i like it much?" he sneered, "it's just better than the rooms in juvie, that's all."

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New Prologue for Todd's Senior Prom

Sooner or later, colton was going to wind up in juvi or in prison or dead. or maybe a combination of all of it. i let myself admit it, i kind of felt sorry for him, like i knew somehow he couldn't help his behaviour.

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A Fathers Sacrifice

He'd seen it when he first went to juvi and the bigger guys in the yard intended to make him their bitch. lucky for him back then, frank the tank, one of the other even bigger inmates had taken a liking to him and had protected him.

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The Wasted Youth, Chapter 1 - Penance and Reflection

If you'd told me that i'd be spending a year in juvie for possession with intent, i'd probably have laughed you out of the room.

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The Adventures of Rex the Husky - Slowly Forsaken

Just before he was sent to juvie, cedric had managed to get one last view of the husky as he was walking to school one day. after that, he was caught, cuffed, sentenced, and shipped to juvie.

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 4

It was like the clients felt that since prostitution was wrong they had the right to spank their chosen child like a red headed penni fresh from juvi hall.

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The Wolf in Him in Me

The last guy i'd shared the home with had been to total asshole and i was relieved when he was sent back to juvie. as it happened, taylor had just come out.

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Brought into the Light: part 1: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

The public defender's office is sending a lawyer for the older brother, juvie's going to send one for the other one."

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