Kevin's Highschool Days: Chapter 11: Operation you don't screw with earth
Falco poured the manure into several buckets for the goons to land in. "phew this stuff reeks!" cried falco once the manure was done. "this'll stink them up good!" katt came up behind him and gave him a little shoulder rub.
Showered By Pong
The furries smelled what they thought was brimstone, vinegar, sewage waste, and skunk manure (yes, there is a brand of manure made from skunks; it helps corpse flowers grow phenomenally fast).
Star Blazer Chapter 2
The other guard suddenly leapt from his cover and bolted towards a fence, and leapt over it, only to land in a pile of mud and horse manure, face first.
manure, manure, a pedicure, a symbol of riches around. to be a king more suffering must be unleashed upon them. two, three, four; a knock along my door. who?s there? a saviour, a prayer?
Fantasia para Andy Skunk.
He then undoes the diaper tapes, the scent of manure rises in the confined space, forcing both to breath on that steamy vapor. drooling, yure wrapped that diaper on andy's erection and begins to stroke the skunk with it.
Let Yourself Relax and Bray
The pungent odor hit her nose as well, smelling more like manure rather than anything she had elicited before.
Raised on the Ranch
I sighed and rolled my eyes at her as i shoveled the manure into the wheelbarrow. combusken came in the ponyta pen stacking some haystacks in the corner.
Barnyard Sorority
Their male's sperm would fertilize all the eggs they would ever lay as they flew towards the delectable smelling manure, the perfect place for offspring to burrow into and feed until they matured.
Finding the Wrong Farm
It was quickly snuffed out however as roland yanked on his leash, pulling him to the other end of the stable where a pile of horse manure sat, "time for seconds."
The Wild One's Rapture
She strode over to her mess, and wiggled her toes, watching them harden out at the ends as she squished and sunk her feet deep into the pile, letting out another torrent of horse piss, and flicking her tail free of manure.
Chapter 3: You Get What You Want
The news came on and the cat sat there on the couch watching some story about an amish man spontaneously combusting into flames and surviving by smothering himself in horse manure.
Lee and Mina (Episode 1)
Meanwhile, outside the field, near one of the gates, the goth girls had set up a catapault along with a bag of cow manure on it, ready to be launched during the halftime routine.