A Rough Landing

They rushed through the weeds, nearly running into the murky waters. ms. bianca looked around for a way after the gators. it would take hours to skirt around the water, and trying to swim in the murky slime was out of the question.

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The Rescuers - In Need Of Rescue

They rushed through the weeds, nearly running into the murky waters. ms. bianca looked around for a way after the gators. it would take hours to skirt around the water, and trying to swim in the murky slime was out of the question.

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Darkness and Starlight 10 - A Town of Thieves

The telltalle_prun-prun-prun_ resonated in their ears, as they left behind the murky ragged surroundings of the port town itself.

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The Soul in the Fishbowl.txt

Now the waters grow murky, in the swurl of life, so hurky jerky.

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A poem, this is

Wallowing in the ever murky waters, would it ever end? i hope i can become more than the succubus i am. rise aobve it all, like only i can. copyright ephemeral\_dreams spawned by the forgotten does of serotonin.

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Crocodile Blood Part 1

She disappeared into the murky depths of the water, her old life leaving with her.

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Kaila Lost (Tentical Rape)

The young wolfess slowly turned, feeling her body drag through the murky silt on the bottom of the pool of water. she pulled at her leg, trying to break herself free from whatever was pushing and pulling against her.

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A Story of Stars - Never Forgotten

It twisted and turned and shaped itself into the semblance of a humanoid body, then darkened to a murky black as it lowered to the floor.

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Last Job of the Night

I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror, a mountain of murky fluid, and my dick stiffened further. "mmm," i said. "kneel." he hurried to comply, getting on all fours.

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Thru Shadows Falling

Again, all i can do is to wait, eyes looking at the murky sky, waiting, waiting, waiting... fresh claws of panic clutch me as a streak of lightning flashes across my eyes, ingraining its harsh line into the back of my head. no. make it stop.


The Rift 1:Fire and Flames by AnonEmis

Lightning and thunder, unnaturally fierce, slashed the murky skies with light and rent the heavy air with sound.

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