Life's Pains (part 2)
I conveniently noticed that there was a recycle bin right next to the trash and i decided to comment on this. "hey mr. b wouldn't you want to throw that in the recycle bin? i hear it's important."
Naughty Santa Part 1
And now, this year, amy kringle decided that his all-natural suit was bad, and forced him to replace his dyed wool and wolf's fur suit for something recycled.
Unit 1206
The research for the recycling and reprogramming of the probes has not been halted though, but testing on individuals should be done in the latter states, not right from the beginning.
Chapter 1: Meeting
I get to the garage, where our recycling bins are, and i'm pissed off. i have been dealing with the sorting of the four bins. each has it's own purpose.
Golden Fox
The fox's long, sharp black clawed fingers were entwined in the strings of a bag of recycling.
Thomas Shorts: Shock
For the next ten minutes, the doctor varied the angle at which he held the transparent beaker, desiring to draw out the seed recycling for as long as possible.
Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Shep
The "dog of duty," as he is known (quite literally) among his colleagues, is the lead recruiting officer behind the army of his home country sheperdinia, the estate broker who designed the metropolitan hot spot berowski, and the resource manager at a recycling
Unwilling Test Subject
"suit command mode change biofuel waste recycling disengage." said jamie. "error 22: user cannot disengage biofuel waste recycling because the user cannot change testing parameters." said the suit. jamie wasn't pleased with that.
Drinks and Secrets
"i'll just go recycle this." crystal smiled sweetly getting up. jean had just finished doing the dishes and crystal walked by putting the empty wine bottle in the recycling. "hmmm earth conscious is good." jean smiled.
L.H.A - Chapter Two - Part Two
He may not be a failed clone, even if he is he can be recycled for another try...i mean...with the exception of that weird pelt color he seems to be in good shape."
Shooting for the Stars! (Snuff, Watersports)
Hff, probably just toss that fat ass into the recycler and start fresh. i kind of hope he got a recording of that too, i'll have to try and ask next time i can get in contact.
Blackstar teaser
#1 of blackstar saga trust me when i say that living on a space station is not as bad as it seems or that some would make it out to be, i mean yeah the air you breathe is recycled and if someone really wanted you dead a simple airlock flush is the cleanest