Shifting Expectations
You know, weres like to shift during sex, but you did say you weren't shifting much, and we've got some time," darius offered that first night, and jeff had said yes.
Hot Shift
Raktur grinned widely as he sat in front of carson, his shift right up in the charmander's business.
Schedule Shift
It was the last of those that had me change up my schedule when i had a later shift one night. i came in to blow off some steam and halfway through my workout... bam!
Shifting Up
Every time the muscle bound stud moved, his cock would wobble temptingly above him and his balls would shift along with that beautiful piece of meat.
Phase Shift
**phase shift** by arcane reno "see? i am only saying that it is strange."
The Night Shift
"maybe having a step-dad that works the night shift isn't such a bad thing after all..."
Shifting Gears
Panels from his torso shifted onto his arms a bit as his arms broke into more and shifted down.
Chimeric Shift
That's when another tingle hits you and you can feel your tail growing and shifting around, a twist like someone is pulling it out of your body and at the same time, as if you're opening your eyes anew.
Red Shift
He softly chuckled and shifted weight to his other foot. "but you need to put your clothes in the laundry bin from now on." the humming of the working cooling system turned on again to regulate the ship's temperature.
Shifting Desires
As dark fur covered their rounded surface, conversely her hair shifted from dark, to a light silvery color.
The Night Shift
He shifted unconsciously as his member shift and fell against her skin once more. the vibrations running through it once more. through his agony and misery his libido slowly chugged back to life still eager to coat the bird.
Night Shift
A spinoff story to the one i wrote about working the day shift at the bot clinic, about someone who works the night shift, debugging bots with kinky problems! you are femanon, working the night shift at the bot clinic. and you love your job.