Country horse city bear

"it's an emergency," he said, "the apples we got on the last shipment went bad and we're completely out. the next shipment doesn't come until sunday." "how does this concern me?" i asked, annoyed at the rude interruption to my sleep.

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Dark Star

The team did jobs, raided small shipments, and took what they could from derelict mining facilities to gather the supplies to restore the station. in five years, the team had completed their task.

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The Beginning

It was surrounded by crates that were stacked several metres in a kind of maze and some cranes where being prepped for the next shipment for the night.

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The Queen's Feast

The shipment from freidburg is still delayed, i'm afraid. our auxiliary kitchens are catching up on schedule, though... but we'll run out of things to process soon without the shipment." david sighed. "well, at least we're closer to schedule for now.

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Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Dillan Flynn)

I had fifty yards of parchment sent to your keep." the ferret countered, "you promised me that you would cover the shipment costs if you received your supplies before second moon..." "so i did." the warlock responded.

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Crime In Twenty Prompts - Part One

"he's got a huge shipment of the latest...something blood series-" "fresh blood," martin interrupted. "yeah, that's it.

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Tea Leaves

The summer tea harvest is coming up in about a month and i have a lot to prepare for especially since i want to send another shipment to yu long. we owe him our livelihood and our homes.

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Spitecaller Ch. 1

The shipment was luckily only ten boxes today and they looked like mostly books. it would not take long for me to finish this and get back to my summoning magic before the store closes. bully for me. "alright, take care of yourself."

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(un-editted) S under D Chapter 7[Arc Finale]

A few shipment records. latest shipment was to an academy." "i know that academy. i have someone in there right now being programmed" "what!? "that academy is a programming place for young boys.

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A Ship Trapped in Amber: Chapter 1

And emergencies didn't happen on these shipments, because nothing eventful ever happened on these shipments. not for the ones that made it back, at least. the radio screen lit up with a soft blue light, and vanga's voice cut through the speaker.

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Ch 6 Mistaken Identity Part 1

"looks like they were expecting a ship to pick up a shipment bound for avarice... we should've come up with different cover story."

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