Solis Part 7
welsh, english, scottish? i didn't care, all i knew is it made my voice sound funny. kim and ara kept me distracted for a while, kim mostly trying to pry into my life.
Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Five
He had met a few welsh furs in his previous life, but never a welsh spirit. he found it rather unfortunate that this first meeting included such terrible speciesist language. yet there was something...familiar -- disturbingly so -- about him.
Dirt Digging: Chapter 1-Assembling The Expedition
Big old slabs of meat from welsh farms, the quality is rather low but it was cheap."
Uninvited guests 6
Across the table vander shared a knowing smile with charlie as the little welsh pony's other hoof nestled against the red stag's kilt. 'crash!' "ahem... please excuse me sir."
Werehorsin' Around
With a powerful thrust, the 1500 pound mammoth jack slammed right into the little welsh pony with practiced ease.
Aviation Dreams Chapter 1 - The Shop
He was welsh by species, despite him spending his whole life the other side of the country. he walked over to the front door of the shop and with a flick of his wrist turned the open sign to closed. the shop was called: burke & reader.
Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 4
"no... not in welsh." responded hiraeth, "if you saw how what i was called is spelled, it does not look like hear-aith... nor was her name spelled like what you know to be dewey." "try me." eric retorted. "d-w-y."
Do what's right ch.2
I ask cocking an eyebrow "fleetwood mac," she utters not skipping a beat "you know i can't do mac," i hesitate but begin strumming anyway "here's a song about about an old welsh bitch," i smile "bell rings like a prayer
Rocketman, Burning up out here
Her welsh accent had taken on a thicker quality, over the few days they'd been drifting. stress had been getting to her, "o'course oi'm nowt fuckin' aw'right.
The World Games Convention - Chapter 2: A letter to Dewi
How's my favourite welsh tiger anyway? i'm not sure why i insisted on this because texting or messaging is a lot quicker, but i suppose this does feel more personal and gives me something to look forward to.
Driving the Hot Rod (A1, B10, C8)
"the welsh seem to think they have their own little version of the bermuda triangle off the coast. what the hell is a bermuda triangle?" a smile came to karla's face. "even i know that one, love.
Out Of The Blue (Chapter16, Book8)
You sound welsh." the voice turned away and said, "i think she's welsh." another voice, "we'll try not to hold that against her." there were a few chuckles. "cheeky, you lot." karla murmured.