King of Dusk - Chapter 1
Together they reminded him every moment about his state, slowed down his steps; they didn't stop, only grew stronger and stronger, with every attack they destroyed every last hope he had.
BTF_Last Hope 3
As the new released family headed to their endless journey, a time was now slowly approaching as the human race is slowly depleading and now, the last hope of a trainer to changed her pokemon's mind has failed.
The Queiajirai Chronicles ~A Young Fur's Fantasy~ Part 1
The dawn sun arose, gently searing away the cold grey fog to reveal the unfurling sails of one last hope from persecution in this world that is mezeron.
two fears one cave
He yelled in a last hope to get free but as a reply orran leaned over him and pushed her thin tail in his tail hole. "oh i will break you" she said softy in his ear. her claws secured in his sides.
A family, united and then broken.
He'd stepped inside, and had hoped a random person knew of his sister; he'd felt her presence here and so it was his last hope before he died. then, they'd met.
CinderWereFox (Chapter 2)
He breathed his last, hoping you happiness." "no..! i can't believe this.. i didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.." that's all fox can get out before he bursts into tears. "it's all right fox, he will always be with you in your heart.
H.I.B.A.S Chapter 1
The government says that with the nations police force nearly useless because of the harsh weather change, the national guard is the last hope.
guardians of paradise ch. 1 miracle forest
They left their last hope in the hands of fate, hopeing that an innocent heart would recover the map before the psychos did. where is this land and innocent heart and are the psychos still around? " my life was a simple, easy and calm.
Mjolland Ch.1
Few would trust the whispers from such a grisly face, but in light of the circumstances he was the last hope to be had. as the jotun drew near to the city, a serpentine shape rose from beneath it.
The reimonds were her last hope of ever proving this genetic technology profitable. they'd already been in touch but been given the run-around by one of her so-called con-men.
Shayde's Story Chapter 4
She knew he was her last hope. if he failed, she would die, one way or another. --- shayde entered the room with the jug of water, and immediately saw xani was gone.
Fucked by the Find
His last hope was the main room, the sitting room, he imagined it would have been called back then. the ram took a deep breath, checked his oxygen levels - still about middling - and pushed the door open.