
Tobias couldn't help staring at his abs and legs, rippling under short shaved fur, but it didn't seem to matter, because the fox was traveling in a small cloud of staring dancers, male and female both.

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The Undergraduate

He saw fat furs, skinny furs, furs in leather, furs in chains, rubber furs, shaved furs, and everything in between. but it wasn't until roger saw a word he didn't recognize that he found what he was truly looking for.

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Supernova: Prelude, Arc 1, Chapter 4

shaved fur too. probably the result of impromptu surgery, but shrapnel would be hard to come by when this floor was seven levels below the other explosion. of course there were other bombs.

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Bat Out of Swell

The whole process had even somehow managed to grow back the shaved fur, leaving him with a rather lush mane to cover his new bad boys with, something he was grateful for and not willing to call it anything short of a miracle.

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Series Finale

Standing in the now vacant opening of the hovel were two lucario, one in a long black coat, the other in an undersized martial arts gi, and standing between them, a delphox with shaved fur, tapping her branch in her open left paw - a branch that had been fashioned

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 19

Seeing this drew kayla's attention to all the various bandages and patches of shaved fur around the room, a testament to the fact none of the crew had escaped injury in some form or another.

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Nightmare from Ben's Past

He then noticed the tube of electro-cream sitting on a shelf and taking it, worked copious amounts of it into the shaved fur on his scalp, neck, wrists, and ankles, making the short fuzz glisten.

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WtV: Timeline

Much to the chagrin of the old race of the zip, who enjoyed trading taurian shaved fur against all that the taurians needed to live in their system, the two giant machines enabled the taurians not only to turn their system into a paradise with two

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On Wings of Shadow - Chapter 8 - The fox in the forest

Dry straw poured down from his black-brown, short shaved fur as he stood in front of his master with his eyes lowered. "i am ellam, my lord. servant." mallon looked at the dog standing in front of him.

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 376-400

Stacey said, as she noticed the shaved fur at taylor's groin for the first time. "oh wow! you actually shaved it off? really? doesn't that feel really strange? oh! you have tattoos too? that must have hurt like crazy!"

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Epiphany Part 5

fur off, and another to lift patches of scale, and the last was a saw she used to cut through the skin and flesh.

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