Grimtotem's Gluttony

Then she felt an odd tingling across her back, which sat in the stomach acids of the grimtotem lady. she struggled and squirmed, groaning as the tingling became light burning. then her groans became screams as the light burning became unbareable agony.

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Hana’s Toxic Tummy Takedown

Taking a deep breath, filled her belly with somewhat fresh air, carrying the wretched odor of digesting food and stomach acid, but still breathable.

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The gryphon and the couatl

The weakly struggling gryphon would be consumed by the stomach acids. it was only a matter of time now. before it settled into a digestive torpor there was one last task.

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Last Memories

I could feel the walls of her stomach shifting and shaping filling her stomach with her stomach acids. my head entered her stomach first soon followed by my body a few seconds later.

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Sweetwater and Bella (Otter/wolverine rape and vore)

"i worry that my stomach acids will get into you, hurt you when you take off the bracelets," the otter purred. "let me check to see if they have."

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After The Club

The stomach acids began to slowly rise around him, making him groan loudly and push at the stomach walls as he tried to search for a way out.

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Bambi's first feast (Vore)

Unfortunately for him, his fear-filled wriggles only made the inevitable happen quicker as he slipped further and further down, the smell of stomach acid in his little nose.

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Angel's best meal revised

Don't worry scamp," said angel, i will let you out tomorrrow as she rubbed her huge bulging gut and then she drifted off to sleep as her stomach acid's tore away at the young pups furry body.

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Are snake really vore proof

" ahhhh it burn" kaa hissed in pain , as sin stomach acid was over the snake , burning and digesting him alive. sin purred licking his paw ,looking down at his wiggling stomach.

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Day Three - Guts: It's What's For Dinner

acid was not dissolving my skin, it was acting as an aphrodisiac!

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stomach acid. face melt. all systems go in fifteen to fourty minutes. and this is when i find out that zah had been drinking. when she had picked me up, she offered me the fifth of vodka. bottle = 100% we get to k's.

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