MLG poem (Credited to Simon)

Well, MLG quickscopers Life for me ain't been no 720 instaswap crossmap carrier tomahawk suicide It's had lag, and crashes, and trollers, and dirty hackers. But all the time I quickscope and I lurk and rage quit. And sometimes I run when...

Chapter 12- Extra Credit

I'll make it extra credit for you~" tara then blew a kiss and smiled. i left her classroom and did my best to hurry to the second period.

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Extra Extra Credit - Part One

. **+ e**** xtra extra credit **** +** **++++++** nowadays, during the summer of 2014, it was common knowledge that there were a number of respectable high school systems within the borders of harriet county that had admirable teachers, excellent staff

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Extra Credit: The Walk pt 2/2

She had stayed after to 'help' her teacher for some extra credit. she was busy texting her friend about the encounter. she turned down a dimly lit ally devoid of any sort of life.

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Extra Credit: School pt 1/2

"i've decided i have some other things for you to do in order to get your extra credit," she said pulling the mares skirt up and thong aside. "like what?" polly asked.

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Credits Roll, Post Game (PMD: WNA #1)

The fizzle of spacetime as we were warped back to town felt cold. Each time we were warped anywhere by Palkia it always felt cold, very unlike the strange light that is granted when we rescued Pokemon with our rescue badges. I supposed that when the...

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Engulf Part One - We Now Take Credit Cards

Yet the final things that the doctors pulled out was a greasy sausage mcdicmuffin and a sign that said "we finally accept credit cards!" the end

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 3

We finished another third and took it in and i was surprised that we had a million credits worth. again i had twenty percent taken out and gave herod the two hundred thousand credits.


Wings of the Warrior: 24

I had to escape before i got anything so i have no id, credit chip, or credits." "well this complicates things a bit.

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Under the Sundowner Part 03

I've also included a credit voucher with enough credits to live on for a while.

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ZEP Game Stats

As most morphs are in the "high" or "expensive" price category and "high" covers the range from 1,500-9,999 credits, credit costs under +/-5,000 won't affect price category.

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