The Walls I Built
When ryan first discovered that, much to his dismay, zack was to be his roommate, he was convinced that living with the bat would grate him to no end.
A Shower of Affection
Xander cried out in dismay as they ran towards one of the park's ornate wooden bandstands, absolutely crowded with perhaps fifty or more people all seeking cover.
Pet and Babysitter - Part 5
Jessica cooed to the mastiff, which whimpered gently towards her in dismay. she stroked at his face and then kissed his nose, standing before him naked and just giving a little chuckle at how affectionate he could be.
A Messy Situation - Part 2 [Comm]
Angelo was lead over to an empty highchair right next to harold, much to his dismay.
A Messy Situation part 2 by Horatio Husky
Angelo was lead over to an empty highchair right next to harold, much to his dismay.
Evolving Feelings
The pokemon groaned in dismay as he staggered forward even as he felt his body continuing to swell.
Chapter 26: Rape On Swift Wings
To kilyan's dismay, they each carried crossbows, and across their chests were straps so that they could sling the crossbows on their hips.
Peppy's Humiliation
"shit," fox cursed, shaking his head in dismay. there was nothing he could do; from what wolf had promised, things would be a hundred times worse for peppy if he intervened.
Family Matters - 3
The labrador tilted his head slightly in dismay as he stood up, itching the back of his ears as he realised exactly what the problem was.
Water: a poem
There forever we want to stay, soaring weightlessly, but to our dismay, up again we must return, our bodies not meant to be free.
parasite vine
So harmless you say look a little depper and you will be dismayed. there root's are weak and can easly be rip away. but other dont see the pain. so there left that way. for the tallest and strongest can get them self away.
Living a Life Forgotten Ch.1
Rose saw my dismay and began to explain further.