Rocket Science
Rocket gasped, his jaw agape as the tendrils dug into him again, and this time he could see the claws enter his ballsack.
Carltober: Naked Carl
Chase dug him, sweatier than usual when they were together outide and his shirt molded his pecs. flynn dug him, in fact teasing him for his weight was pretty much a sign the lizard wanted to get some.
Episode 14: The Eating Contest
They all dug in, of course and as usual, stuff em'z made the greatest tasting food anywhere. the three were enjoying every moment stuffing the fattening foods into their bellies.
Unorthodox Planet Busters
The planet itself was barely hanging on, with massive fissures and molten eruptions spilling from the ruptures that dug deep into the planet's layers.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 6
With all the holes being dug everywhere, it now looked more like a graveyard.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 97
With all the holes being dug everywhere, it now looked more like a graveyard.
Team Attack
It wasn't just sweat spilling out from where his armor dug into his hips; the fluid was thick and slimy, reeking of sex. lapu dug into the armor's seams, battered metal creaking as he pried it off slowly.
Captured Thief
Her claws dug in tightly and wedged between the brickwork so that she was positioned as close to the surface of the stone as she could get to try and wipe out the glimmer of her outline.
Daily Grind
Then dug in for that last bit more. hammering her with fast, shallow thrusts as his cock grew to full size. its tip dug right against her ineffective egg chamber. "grrrm!" he snarled and threw his head back.
Crying My Eyes Out
A cleft's been left in my life, a hole dug up. i dug my grave, now there's nothing to save me from my sins. fear crawling up my shins. the air is thin. i can't win.
Shopping Bags
The trunk of the car was still open when i stepped back over, and i dug in for the rest of the bags. they were as bulging as the ones i'd already disposed to ken in the hall.
For a Reason
The line's purpose became obvious as the biturong pulled his pouch open and dug around inside. he paused, eyes meeting craig's, and then shoved his hand back and forth in his pouch side to side.