Black and White-Black

The surface and kicking in smooth undulating motions under the water all the way to the other wall, both touching the wall with a webbed paw at the same time, before rolling in the water and pushing off with their legs and tails, surfacing and starting to freestyle

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The Gloss Galactic

Janet mcallister, astronaut, solar engineer, bright falls high school freestyle swim champion three years running was going to be consumed by an alien goo.

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Anemone High Ch. 2 - Swim Team

"this will be a match of 100 meters, freestyle swimming. there will be no limit as to how long each swimmer can remain under water.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 2

Demonwolf: muay thai bahu-yuddha, and some good ol' freestyle wrestling and kung-fu moves to spice things up. mike: okay, interesting.

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Insurrection: Chapter Two: Pregnant and Alone

"think of this as going freestyle and 'with the wind'. sail away ko-ko." koruak laughed and then said with a grin; "roger that."

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 26

Why don't you do forty more laps of freestyle?" i make as if to argue, but in truth, i don't mind. if he keeps pushing me this hard, i'll be in fantastic shape once the cast comes off. i just have to make sure he doesn't figure this out.

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The Gloss Galactic (Bad End)

Janet mcallister, astronaut, solar engineer, bright falls high school freestyle swim champion three years running was going to be consumed by an alien goo.

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Watching Porn Together...ish

Apparently my 400 meter freestyle had caght some scout's attention my senior year. you wouldn't be able to tell i'm gay, really.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 6

We have plenty more to show you so sit back, relax and fleetfoot will start our freestyle." the mare dropped away as another mare started her routine.


A weekend to remember-NOVEL

I watch her load up and start firing, all freestyle... when she finishes, i'm left impressed, my eyebrows raised, and a good-for-you smirk on my face.

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Finding Home: Chapter 2

"freestyle, i like doing the long distance events."

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Hyper Underwater Femboy Inflation (Freebies Vol. 59)

"i think this time i'll work on my freestyle." psi's deep, lustful groan was suddenly cut off as the otter rolled him over, pushing him beneath the water.

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