Natasha Tarbosaurus Starts a Family
Though eager to help their babies, the two parents knew it best to let their young hatch on their own. with eager stares, they watched as the first of their young began to hatch.
Windswept and Love-struck, Ch 2 The Hatching
* * * voth was a magnificent specimen for only just hatching from the egg.
Summer Heat – Chapter 40: Twin-hatching
"say, did you ever witness the hatching of alligator cubs?" he asked the girl, while they were laying in a bed next to the one that warmed the eggs.
hatching unaided was a gu's first trial.
A Change of Heart
Spinton was always a boastful, cocksure gryphon, but on this night, in namu's den as he hatched again, he felt different. it was a symbolic rebirth as a kinder, gentler drake. not to say he lacked his old desires and needs.
Part 1: Bridezilla
She strained to cum and become, to hatch and be reborn through her horny ass--and she found release as her full butt exploded beyond its limits.
An Infestation in the Herd 19
Tags: m/f, parasite, infestation, series, cum enema, egg, hatching, mlp, celestia, luna, rule 34, mind control, body control, creampie, slime, vaginal, orgasm, cum,
K-495 chapter 4
I nodded, and ran to the closed hatch, twisting the lever to open it, but it wouldn't budge, i banged into the hatch, with my shoulder, trying to force the hatch open, no matter how hard i tried, it wouldn't open.
K-495 chapter 5
I crouched next to the hatch, and signaled for the other furs to come up. "comrade uri," one said, as he crouched next to me, "how are we going to get in? through the bow hatch? or the conning tower hatch?" he asked.
From Our Eyes Chapter 1 My Hatching
Where am I? Why is it so dark? I hear voices...Mom? ...Dad...? What is this placeâ€"it's so darkâ€" why do I see shadows outside? I began pushing against the hard shell. It was surprisingly easy with this horn on my nose. I was about to give another...
Chapter 1) The Hatch Date; Wyrmlings Come Forth
Chronicles of lamok chapter 1) the hatch date; wyrmlings come forth i tasted first air. cool and dry compared to the dampness of the egg's interior, its strangeness set me aquiver.
Dragon's First Concert
Part of her palm could be seen, glimmering and moist, hatching from her extremities, and she cackled at the spectacle of her rebirth.