A Reason to Live pt 7
The mutants' feet were once human, but now had between four and seven toes on each foot.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 5 Idenshi no High
#6 of tokyo zone episodes our heroes find a new city for mutants, but what happens when they attend school there again.
Syngeneia Kathairein part 41
mutants coming in! " the troops order you to stop but pyranna lets loose an infernal roar as they cower. \> you rush through with pyranna, hoping the mutants will tear these guys to shreds!
Mutants (Chapter 5)
He was like a nuclear reactor that just powered up any mutant he pushed. that's when the realization hit her. from what she saw, desmond had never pushed another mutant until that point.
Mutants (Chapter 3)
The tiger walked away after his talk with Ryker and Desmond. The others slowly got to their feet, walking back around the campgrounds to attend to what they were previously doing. Ryker looked to Desmond, who glanced up at him. "I have a bad...
Mutants (Chapter 2)
Desmond had heard of mutants with this power, but he had never seen it done, nor been teleported by it. it only took a few seconds before they were in the center of a camp, other fur mutants walking around before noticing the tiger.
Mutants (Chapter 1)
All he could gather from their minds were that they were serving under the one who fled, a person with a personal vendetta against the mutants and anthros.
Mutants (Chapter 4)
Chapter four of my mutant story. getting intense here now. ryker left the tent after the strange meeting with kent and madeline. within a few minutes he came to a fire surrounded by a bunch of other people, talking and having fun.
Mutant, Part II
mutant part ii by von krieger asha yawned and stretched, mismatched green and gray eyes surveyed hir tiny, barren domain. a small, featureless bit of rock alongside an underground river.
Mutant, Part I
mutant, part i by von krieger asha slowly opened hir eyes, hir body wracked with pain, hir throat aching from coughing up water. she looked all around, but no matter where shi directed hir gaze shi saw the same thing. black. a black empty void.
Seekers: Chapter Fourteen: Uncovered History
I heard elise fire a few more shots down the corridor, fending off the mutants as best she could.
Warrior's Blood, Chapter 9: Mutation
"i was the very first mutant, you know," sean continued. "nobody knew what was going on with me when it happened, but when another mutant developed in egypt, we started to figure it out.