A Long Journey Home, Flames of the Heart

But olivia swiftly made it clear that she had other ideas.

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Fatherhood, Interrupted

olivia hated him. roger had utterly failed as a parent. it wasn't fair, to cindy, to olivia, to himself, to drag on this farce any longer. but how would he tell cindy? it would break her heart.

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Fatherhood, Interrupted

olivia hated him. roger had utterly failed as a parent. it wasn't fair, to cindy, to olivia, to himself, to drag on this farce any longer. but how would he tell cindy? it would break her heart.

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Lost friends.

Sorry olivia i didn't mean to wake you up. this is jack from the club last night...i was wondering if you would like to meet for lunch." olivia was silent for a moment before it hit her.

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This Doesn't Make Sense at All! (TF/TGs)

olivia said shaking her head. "i did not have good now for breakfast, it was bacon and eggs!" olivia reached into jack's pouch, who blushed harshly and pulled out a strip of bacon from it. "here, have a snack."

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Kope & Olivia [Comm] (NSFW)

"olivia this is... kind of... oh gosh this is embarrassing..." a loss for words, he could only look up to make brief eye contact with olivia before bursting into laughter.

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I Love Your Father - Chapter 3

olivia's ears flattened against her head. she felt completely ashamed of herself. "it's not...it's not his fault, david. i told him that i'd discussed it with you, and--" "so you lied to him? christ, olivia!

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The Age of Fire Isekai: Prologue

olivia growled. "good. we're getting somewhere." the dragon replied, loosening his grip slightly on her. "now, who are you and are you a... male or a female?" "i am a dragoness, and my name is olivia. you?" olivia replied.

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Perfume by Jenny, Part 4

olivia, looking down at her naked friend draped across her bed, blinked.

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