The Quest Begins
The young dragons were all taken back by what Terrador had just said. Spyro and Cynder's reaction was like "are you serious", while Sparks was like "WHAT!?", and Malefor, was, more than anything, hopeful. _There are still dragons alive_? He thought _i...
Quest and Conquest
. ## **quest and conquest** **by cyberklaw** it wasn't supposed to have been like this...
Fetch Quest
Thanks to this little fetch quest, he would have enough money to make his own guild.
Digestion Quest
Her goddess had mentioned her by name while describing her quest. kazgoran - a very grumpy example of her species, and that was saying something.
The Quest: Beginnings
A novel of a wolf named kurt, on his quest to make a life for himself and free himself from a lifestyle of bandit hood. of course, all stories start somewhere and thus we get to the first chapter.
Quest Reward!
Triti and fernier are celebrating another completed quest with a long, boozy stay at the local tavern.
Seasonal Quests
The cervine cleric scrolled down the list of dungeons, all the way to the bottom, where the seasonal bonus quests resided.
The Quest For Godhood
To those that wish to indulge in this little supernatural/psychological horror mind trip i present: the quest for godhood. note: this is an earlier piece of writing i did some time ago so don't criticize to harsh. please.
Questing Log
~ The fox slipped sheepishly into the doorway, his mind focused on how silly of a ranger costume he wore and giggled a bit at the whole notion of this fiction. His eyes laid upon the raccoon's druid costume, her scent reminding his body of just how...
Fetch Quest
Noel wiped the sweat out of his eyes, trying to consult the extensive quest notes. somewhere in the thick ream of documents, there was a map.
First Quest
Once you clear a few quests you'll be able to go to rank 4 and be light grey instead of clear."
Dragonfly's Quest
Here I was, tied up on the ground, about to be done a painful ritual by a wizard fox... I didn't ask for any of this, I just wanted answers. But you know how it goes... Things go wrong. You don't know who I am? Don't worry, it's okay, because I am...