No One Dossier: R3
**signature weapon:** r3 no defining signature weapon. it is rumoured that whenever someone swears allegience to him, he houses them in naught and he forged a weapon to be stored in the armoury that represents that person.
I, Dacien Chapter 9: Realignment
"and you have a well-known signature ..." "are you suggesting that i ... alter the colors?" "no, i'm merely observing that ... if, and i do say if, your signature were to affect our garb, it would hardly be something anyone could object to."
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 2: The Long Way Down
While the signature wasn't like a tracking device that will lead to somepony directly, if their aura is on file somewhere, the two can be matched.
4 - Mutt meets Gunther
"that is bill's signature," the wolf pulled a pen from his pocket and offered it to the fox, "and now, you get to find a place to put your signature."
2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 28
If it was instead the signature of a hacker, it would explain how it was now on earth. what it didn't explain was how a living person could remain hidden from uncle.
I've been following a low level radiation signature that's started showing up around the arrival of our special guest." "what's the signature?" julyna asked. "aurorian radiation."
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 8 -- He's Baaaaack...
A searching look came over his face again, and he looked up sharply at spyro as he felt a very familiar energy signature from the purple dragon. "spyro? when you were in that fortress, did you collect that power crystal?"
Reaper: Hades - Langley Albrecht
**signature move:** _steam shred_ _- "steaming cleaning can be deadly.
AJ, the Dingo Cowboy in the Old West
It was moments later when the signature doors burst open, with that signature jingle of a cowboy's boots. well look at that, trouble was right on time. the entire joint ran silent as a figure draped in black walked in as though he owned the joint.
The Human Pokémon Chapter 1
signature verified. welcome, michael rumfield. tech system waiting on your command.""tech system? what in the world is that?" the tingling sensation soon faded, but his curiosity still remained. what happened to him?
All That Glitters
"it has the signatures of students and perhaps others who pledged themselves to alpha eta rho back in 347. i started a new page when i got win to sign, and then francis." "are you sure all the signatures before that were so old?" ernie asked.
Tall Grass (WiP)
Only the heat signature." boxer said. i look at the direction of the targets. they had stopped. they must be visible in normal view. i switch between the view modes. visible. invisible.