3 of Clubs

The Swiss always made the best watches, ever since watches had been invented. Or at least they always made the most expensive watches in the world, which was the same as the best in the mind of Michael Lumdbergh. An otter born into the new aristocracy...

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What are Candus pt. 3 Misc.

Unlike the tropic candusians, they don't put all their mana to psychical strength, but to practicing "magic", or manipulation of mana.

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Taste of the Tropics [Patron Reward]

Huge ferns hung from tropical trees, a sort of meld of tropical and taiga plant life. none of them seemed to be moving more than any usual plant; definitely not pokémon. she found herself gawking a little, just impressed by the uncommon sights.

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Passionate Escape Chapter 1

tropical weather had always helped him to clear his mind, not to mention visits to a certain someone in the area. he was looking forward to those the most.

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The Lovers of Delfino Island

Like all tropical islands, the landscape consisted of palm trees and various other forms of tropical plant life with little in the way of animal life on it.

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The World

Most of tribes had lived in tropical.

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What kinds of Kyruku are there?

Silva (forest) kyruku : found often in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the globe, this sub species makes up the smallest percentile of the species populace, a mere 3%.

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Scent Seduction: Tropical Tantric

Scent seduction: tropical tantric though uneasy about leaving the shops in clair and cno's hands for three weeks kara had finally caved to jenda's unrelenting begging.

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Tropical Paradise Or Is It: Lapsus Mentalli

Actual title of the series is: tropical paradise or is it?

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Five

Over the next couple days, school continued rather similar as the first few days. While at school, the two otters often spent time together whether it was between periods or on their breaks. Often at least one of Rye's veteran friends would join in....

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Four

Sleeping quite peacefully, Rye resented the fact that his alarm clock brought him back from the realm of dreams. Tossing around on the sofa, he couldn't escape the blaring sound of the alarm clock. "Alarm, off," he said, preventing the annoying sound...

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